
"Fuck em if they can't take a joke" is a mantra of mine. Glad I'm not alone in that.

Wow. So comedy about basically any topic is acceptable until the victim speaks through their publicist, and then it's serious? You laugh or you don't, but speech and the freedom of it - is priceless. Sorry, but I'm with Joan here. It's a fucking joke.

Jesus christ, leave the comics alone. The finding humor in dark places is half the job description for being a professional comedian. This is basically the exact same as the Patton Oswalt vs Salon debacle. If you didn't find the joke funny, too bad. It wasn't made to offend you, it was (shockingly) made to make an

but that would require thinking, instead of just jumping on the knee-jerk, pearl-clutchy 'i'm offended! bandwagon.

why would she? you mean you actually believe those fauxpologies? it's an empty gesture to appease the angry mobs. at least she's not a hypocrite.

maybe hipsters are unfamiliar with comedy, but comedy is based on the comparison or contrast between two ideas that creates a friction or cognitive dissonance that our brains recognize as funny. Here, Rivers is comparing living in her daughter's lavish guest room to the hellish conditions of The cleveland kidnapping

"But I have little respect for anyone who has a show criticizing and shaming people for what they wear"

I suspect she means "I've read what they went through", as in she's not ignorant, not "I've been there too" or some similar claim of special insight into what they went through.

You know she's not saying, "I can perfectly picture what those women went through as though it had happened to me". She's saying "I know" to mean "I am aware".

It's Joan Rivers. I kind of have a zen attitude—she can at times be really funny, and she's worked her ass off for years and opened a lot of doors for all comedians both female and male. But I didn't know 'comedienne' was still even a term. I know she's been there/done that, but I don't know if she still uses that

Well, I don't know about that, but I do remember Joan herself made lots of jokes about her husband Edgar's suicide. She made 9/11 jokes, too.

Yeah, you've got way more comedic chops with your ability to post gifs other people made, lol.

Oh, brother...

Finding the most inappropriate, horrible, and shocking thing to make a joke about has ALWAYS been Joan Rivers' shtick.

Most of what we learned about Columbine was wrong. It wasn't about bullying. It wasn't about revenge against jocks. There was no Trenchcoat Mafia. All of that was a lot of bullshit perpetuated by a lazy media. These boys were not alienated loners. They had friends. They both went to the prom. Eric Harris was a

clearly this is not a photobomb.

Wait. Are you saying that popcorn-flavored jelly beans aren't the worst thing to ever have crossed your lips? Because if that's what you're saying, that's the second-worst thing on this page. It would be the worst, but this is an article about transphobic bigots, so you get a bit of a pass there.

It seems as though Jenny McCarthy still has many questions about vaccines and can benefit from a real one on one discussion with a qualified health care professional. I hope that she continues to learn about the importance of vaccinating by contacting a pediatrician and or an immunization coalition in her area.

Denialism is NOT debate, just as random demand of proof is NOT critical thinking.

Calm down? No. Her campaign didn't stop me from vaccinating my kids, but it stopped enough people that my sister's newborn is less safe since she can't get her Pertussis vaccination till she's 6 months old. And all the money and research that went into debunking her claims that could have gone toward ACTUAL