Oh, god, Mike? Was it me? Did you work at Burger King?
Oh, god, Mike? Was it me? Did you work at Burger King?
Going to take a guess that your MS is not in chemistry, eh?
well, what's your beef with vaccines then?
allied health professional? I'm in healthcare Round these parts that means you're a a personal support worker, occupational therapist assistant, pharmacy assistant, dental hygienist, respiratory therapist....
The previous vaccine had a number of scary reactions(although not particularly serious, just frightening).
You are woefully and pathetically misinformed.
I am so sick of people wanting trigger warnings. You click on a picture of puppies and get some "trigger" then sure, complain- But you didn't. You clicked on a post about *rape*. There is your trigger. It is kind of implied.
That... that actually fucking exists?
If you don't like them, don't watch. I think they are fucking hilarious, I love insult comedy. Sure it's mean- but I'm not the only laughing.
Losing my virginity was the biggest not a big deal ever. Virginity has no value, and the first time is no more special than any other time you have sex that you assign meaning to.
I'm truly sorry for what you went through.
I'm so thankful you called it rape, and not sex. Even CBC called it sex. What the fuck CBC?
meh. I have so few minutes to spare on the internet. Reading a 30+ post thread, with greys, is not something I am going to waste my time on.
It is no more horrible to have HIV than it is to have any other chronic medical condition in which you have to take meds. The side effects from my mom's RA meds are worse than the ones my friend (HIV+) takes. And my mom has to give herself injections once a week- - HIV cocktail my friend takes is like 2 pills a day…
HIV is not a death sentence. It is not 1984 anymore- the life expectancy of someone with HIV is almost as long as someone without, and perhaps jus as long if they are compliant with their medication.
Duh. He's white.
Ugh. Horrible.
DOHHHHH MY GAWD your puppy is so cute. STAHP it with the CUTE.