
True story. My 9 year old daughter has been feeling bummed ever since she came back from summer camp. She’s been in the house doing nothing driving my wife insane. Yesterday I said let’s go outaide and catch Pokémon. My daughter got excited we went out, finally saw the light of day, and she was smiling again. The

Isn’t this the point of the game? Go to real-life locations, find some pokemon or trainer, fight them, and the winner gets the loser’s pokemon and wallet? I mean, that’s how I’ve been playing. I nailed an 8 year old in the knee with a tire iron for a sweet Jigglypuff and some pogs.

They are such a scam. And that’s not even going into the whole exploitation of human beings aspect to them.

Diamonds are perhaps the most overvalued stone.

Because I’m hateful, I’m already waiting for the divorce.

Okay, I’ll say it.


Wilson: I’m gonna do it multiple times.

I’m convinced that Taylor is going to keep dating people until all of their initials spell out some sort of coded message about her asking for someone to rescue her from the grasps of the Illuminati.

I wasn’t aware that a racial equivalent of a ‘guy’s girl’ existed.

While I completely agree that arbitrarily parsing a person’s identity into genitals/non-genitals or hormones/non-hormones is completely vile, I have to say that as a cis woman athlete who’s dabbled in co-ed running and contact-y sports with trans people and cis gendered folk (in addition to playing on all “girls”

Are you serious? I have no opinion regarding her/his choice of sexuality but that looks like a dude all day long, in every photo.

Hormones are not the only physical differences between men and women. Adjusting hormone levels may affect muscles, fat distribution, and (in the long-term) bone density. But it will not affect skeletal structure, lung capacity, heart size, or the other advantages that biological males have over biological females.

It doesn’t matter at the level that she is running at, but when you get into the professionals, the amount of testosterone in a woman’s (or man’s) body can drastically improve her/his speed, giving some athletes what some would consider an “unfair” advantage.

Also, Kim looks more and more like a gelfling.


Turns out a close male relative of mine sexually abused another relative of mine back in the seventies (and had gone unpunished). I only learned about this in the early aughts and I was blindsided, horrified, really there are no words to describe the degree to which I was shocked and sickened by the revelation. When I

I know it’s completely dismissing your point (which is great in itself), but +1 for “turbofuck.”

This entire statement reads as if he’s apologizing for puking on her shoes. And really, there is no apology in it, because there is no admission of guilt, because it doesn’t even mention what he did.

You might not be able to get your dream job now? It’s almost like actions have consequences!