
I think she's jumping on the racism hot button bandwagon. With sterling in the press for it it's so perfect she has something to say now. I think it's really annoying her opinion matters when she doesn't do much beside promote herself.

I feel as crappy as he looks. I feel his selfie loathing.

will no one stop this crazy lady riri from being nude all the time on social media or naw? She gets a pass cuz she's not ugly while being gross and naked I guess.

I got a story. One day at a public restroom at a walgreens I was in a stall doing number #1. I hear someone rushing to enter the other empty stall. She says oh my god. Then all of a sudden I think I see it before I hear it. A huge splat of diarrhea hits the floor. Then I hear her farting and straining to continue what

OMG I feel your pain. I was running one day and a guy " in a pickup truck" told me to keep running fat ass. I was shocked cause I was actually running to help reduce my large ass . And of coarse he wasn't mr. Picture of health either to be all judgy. It really upset me for like a day. Then I thought fuck him and his

Obama care should offer free breast reductions.

I have low self esteem and crappy standards. But enough about me lol this male dominated workplace and gender inequality is far worse than my dating life. I hope more female owned and operated business spring up. In 2010ish I heard on NPR how in NYC they blocked female businesses from expanding. I'm glad this is

I always date men that have dirty habits and expect me to have exceptional cleaning skills. Probably to pick up where they slack. This is how I veiw the workplace too. Women fill in what men don't want to do themselves.

Lmao that drake gif is #everything

you forgot tweaking. Also not new. There is a tweek team that gets no love. Only Miley gets noticed and she's bad at it.

I was thinking about their appearance on the show. What bout eating disorders and pregnancy? That can't be a good way to transition into a healthy lifestyle when the show just aired right?

I was an intern for an editing house in nyc. Only male editors. A few female assistants. the men drank a lot after hours. They brought in most of their own clients too. Is it safe to assume men just bond well in this industry. They entertain the clients with booze, Maybe sport games , Girls, Whatever. Us females don't

thank u for saying this. Life Imitating art or visa versa? He's totally projecting or naw?

no one notices he gives the bird in the pic with Lucy name. Is he dissing her cuz she won't give it up?

im a poor lady. So i use a homemade version of a salt glow. was also taught to me by my massage teacher. its natural but you can buy expensive versions at the mall kiosks. all you need is epson salt, few drops of lavender (any oil you enjoy) and a natural oil like extra virgin olive oil cold pressed, or almond oil.

When you go on a very low calorie crash diet, your vital organs can't get the energy they need to function, and your body begins to burn the tissues of your heart, liver, kidneys, brain and other organs. In the long term, this can lead to heart attack, stroke, or liver and kidney failure.

"maybe" isn the word, she "definitely" took things too far in desperation to win. hopefully her organs are not failing her, and she can live a healthy lifestyle now.

i heard a rumor one of out the three is gay...

do they not do body fat measurements, to make sure your losing fat vs just weight? and its a better indicator of healthy weight lose. she looks weak, she couldnt even walk properly on stage. nothing bout this seems right. its extremely unsafe internally to eat too lil and workout a "ton". but she got her money, now