
"Bourne" was already done as a TV mini-series with Richard Chamberlain in 1988.

Maybe it was okay in small doses, but the shakey cam was a problem. I forget if it was the third or second film, but there was a rooftop chase that ended in a modest apartment with a big fight scene. There was probably a very impressive fight going on, except I couldn't see it with the frantic cuts and violent cam

Compared to its contemporaries, Star Trek had amazing TV SFX.
While Sturgeon wanted better, I don't think it held back the story, other than when the Constellation's engines turned on and the model is jerking into motion.

Their fears were rational.

The show emphasized that she touched the "daredevil" aspect of Matt's personality. He has Catholic repression, and probably a lot of people treating him like an eggshell due to his handicap. Elektra let him cut loose, and unleash the parts of him that he normally hides. (And then they got to the flashback when he

She wielded a yardstick like a samurai warrior, beating two grown men down a flight of stairs. I wasn't being serious (but I realize, with the Internet, that isn't always obvious).

This, and ST:DS9, are my favorite shows.

I tear up every time she says "why can't I have nice things?" in the last episode.

But this list is about unconventional nuns, not normal ones.

I remember being in a tour bus going up a Swiss mountainside, and the herd of cows blocking the road didn't care. Probably easier to push them aside (at a very slow pace) in a big bus, and not a motorcycle.

Loved Slade needling Ollie about letting Felicity get away and marrying "the daughter of R'as al Ghul"

Maybe we aren't arguing the same thing.
I suspect we are interpreting the events differently.
You might be thinking that the OP's dad wanted the article (that McCain wrote) to be read because the opinion was worth discussing. I was thinking the OP's dad wanted it read precisely because McCain wrote it.

You are assuming that the written article is actually that person's opinion.

could be Mahal vs Orton for WWE title, SD women title match

Just because a broken (analog) watch is right twice a day, doesn't mean I should use it when I could be using a functional watch.

flash forward to him returning as Kiera Knightly

You can drop by his place if you get to the choppah!

No, he said he would read it once McCain actually acts on it, that his writing is more than lip service. Why waste time on hot air?

He used up a lot of my goodwill when he announced during the elections that, if Clinton was elected president, none of her judicial nominations would ever be confirmed by the (Republican) Senate. Nothing like doing your job and judging on the merits, right?

Sorry, we already have Zamfir as the savior of the pan flute.