
I love this film. No way it would have been the center of this article, but much thanks for the author to highlight it the way he did. Helps that the script set up a situation where over the top violence is necessary to stop the bad guy, and that the bad guy had a personality that would create those situations.

No, it's not. It'll be stone dead in a moment.

Maybe you'd like Enya's first solo album (self titled) better.
It was closer to the folk style she had done with Clannad.

This Thrumbolio guy says it is fake.
Must be a liberal not to know that Denmark is a real continent.

I've never been to one of those "Disney on Ice" things, but there seem to be a lot of people who do enjoy seeing that kind of live performance. And there is a thrill to seeing one of the "Cirque" type shows in person, that isn't captured on video.

I think there are a couple of responses to the "do you know that wresting is fake" question:
1) The competition is fake, but the athleticism needed to do the wrestling is real.
1a) Magicians don't actually do real magic, but the performance is still entertaining.
2) Dancing and gymnastics are choreographed ahead of time

Aha, I was thinking of this same episode, when I commented further up that I liked some of what Tahmoh brought to the character.

I felt the show needed more time to cook up the business angle properly. It took me out of the "suspension of disbelief", even when I was willing to accept brain re-writing technology. Someone is going to pay massive amounts of money to have a Doll be a mid-wife on a snowy mountain? The business and politics didn't

That part bugged me.

I dunno.
When he realizes who his neighbor-with-benefits (played by Miracle Laurie) really is, he sold the pain and horror with some subtle acting.

The problem was they didn't fix the typo in the title.
It was meant to be Fear the Walking Death.
The Clark-Manawas walking into a safe area should inspire fear, not the zombies.

He didn't work, but it wasn't something that would have been obvious before actually trying it on film. On paper, the personal stakes were there.

It isn't much of a spoiler to say that in the next few episodes, we are reminded that there are (or were) many other criminal gangs operating in Harlem. The show may focus on the gun runner, but there is still other crime going on.

Ask again later, my Magic Eight Ball advises.

Yeah, that was a weird choice, but I guess they felt they couldn't afford the time (like the books did) for subtlety.

I think that is part of the reason why people like Dune, despite its hideous flaws. We can tell that a lot of the people involved were trying to make something great, even though it didn't work out in the end.

I will always remember "Beyond the Sea" for Anderson's reading of the line:
"…If he dies because of what you've done…
Four days from now, nobody will stop me from being the one that will throw the switch and gas you out of this life for good, you son of a bitch!"

"Oy, Captain! The liberal media is out to get me! Just because there is video of me saying I'd like to be a serial killer… That was just Jeffries' Tube talk!
"And all those dead bodies are faking it! McCoy must be in on it!"

Don't forget Tron and Time Bandits.

Well, it was made for Canadian TV, so that doesn't really count. :-b