
Unfortunately it has already been pushed as a mid-season replacement, because they are having trouble casting the lead actress.
"2000 years and he can't find a broad to fit the bill? Come on, Dave, you must be doing something seriously wrong!"

My guess is that Trump put a lot of money on "drop out 3 weeks after the voting is over, win or lose", so he will be the only person to collect from the pool. The "many people say the election could be rigged" will let him continue to blather until past Thanksgiving.

Yeah, what really sold me was the sheer terror, panic, and raging hatred Eccleston gave the Doctor in that Dalek episode.

I think you are missing my point.

The rumors make it sound like the answer to both of your questions is "yes".

Fox the Studio probably would have treated it right.

Including Veronica Mars in this article isn't a fair comparison, especially without mentioning it was only possible due to Kickstarter.

But it was a fake land mine.
That's what convinced the general to continue with the superhorse program, and that's why we have Captain Seabiscuit punching Hitler.

"Two peanuts ver walking down the strasse…
One was assaulted… peanut… hur hur hur…"

After Fury Road was over, I wished it had a character like the gyro captain from Road Warrior.

My favorite part of RLM is when Plinkett quotes a rule, and then says "you should never break this rule… unless you are" followed by the names of over a dozen directors. This is a funny way to point out that even the strongest of rules are made to be broken, but only if the breaker knows what they are doing and why

Agree with this.
If Indy wasn't on that island to take away the Ark, some other German officer (with more sense) would have taken it back to Berlin, and they would have handled it carefully (and deadly to the Allies) after seeing what it did to the troops on the island.

No no, that was Veronica Mars, not Virginia.

"Are you Sarah Conner"?
"No, I'm Sarah Connor."
"My mistake."
(Terminator never finds the right mother.)

"We need help! The Borg are EVERYWHERE!"
(bored) "Yes, yes, that's nice, Number One." (goes back to flute playing)

The writers and producers were probably told to make him "bad-ass", and by the time they got to the set they misremembered it as "ass-hole".

Even Kai Winn and the lead Changeling were more developed than Kim, Tuvok, Chakotay and Neelix.

"Break a tail-light while backing up in the parking lot" speed! Engage!

"Gopher, I want you to put on this red shirt, and show how the fire walk is supposed to be done."

To be fair, if your house had minimal grounding and was hit by the equivalent of 50 lightning bolts, anything near an electrical outlet would be toast as well.