
Do you mean original Sara (from the pilot),
or the more athletic recast?

Maybe that is Felicity's power.

I could easily be remembering wrong. (Wasn't that thrilled by that storyline in the episode.) I thought she was saying that she didn't like Ollie's lifestyle and his personal actions, so that he would be setting a bad example for her son, rather than external forces being a disruption.

Dame Diana Rigg as "Emma Peel" in the '60s.
(Close enough to Peele.)

It's like that old folk song "Bingo".

Alasdair indirectly gave a better possible answer than the show.
He mentioned Samantha not having a good reason for Oliver to hide being the father, and then mentioned Oliver running for mayor.

"Listen, and understand! That Terminator Arrow is out there! It can be bargained with. It can be reasoned with. It does feel pity, and remorse, and fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead still alive."

Zod was just correcting Jor-El's poor spelling.
"Neil, before Zod."

"And (Tatoo's) loyal companionship gave Mr. Roarke the air of a Bond villain—albeit far more benign."
Maybe they should have taken Nick Nack, straight from The Man with the Golden Gun.

"The seats are a little stiff in the new car.
Does your butt hurt after you use the Probe?"

Deadpool 2: Relaxing at the Death Spa with MurderMoist & AutoEroticAsphyxiationKoiPond

I can imagine a movie where all the people "just barely didn't like it" getting a 0%, while a movie that is universally and fiercely loathed doesn't show up because just one inbred brain-donor did like it.

I think that says more about the competition in the low-budget generic spy-action-political-thriller should-have-been-straight-to-video category, and how low the bar has been set.

"L.A. Confidential"

Once Gruber found the right hostage ("hello… Mrs. McClane"), he tried to get McClane back on the walkie-talkie to threaten him again. Unfortunately, McClane was too busy fighting for his life to answer the call.

Now I'm thinking about Thunderball.

(Carter is glum, as he has no chemistry with Kendra)
"Hey Sara, did I ever mention that we hooked up in a previous life?"
(glum, as Sara walks away)
"Hey Jax, did you know that in a previous life we were both in a Turkish prison? Do you want to reenact how we spent the nights there?"
(glum, as Jax walks away)
"Hey Dr.

Off-screen death with no body shown? 'nough said!

So Michael Douglas is half the age of his wife Catherine Zeta-Jones? I didn't realize there was such a large age gap.

Whenever the commercial for this film comes on, I keep expecting Pine to look up in awe as a Kaiju starts to battle Gipsy Danger.