
Now that would have been interesting… Harrison pretends to be Khan in order to use a secret religious sect/cult/terrorist group that thinks the world would have been better under the genetically augmented warlords.

"I don't want to see the apartment!"

She is Jennifer, not Won-Don Pardo!

I thought the lessons of It's a Wonderful Life were to accumulate money, use that leverage to buy land, claim that it was due to hard work instead of ruthlessness, and screw the poor. At least, that seems to be the lesson picked up by a lot of politicians, lawyers, and financial guys.

The lawyers had Spider-man on the list of creations, largely because Kirby had come up with a version before Ditko. (They later removed him because that interpretation was completely different than what ended up in print.)

Or a quick trip to Quortoth the hell-dimension, with Malcolm raising the kid as his own child.

Someone pointed out last week that mama Queen said she would send a 2nd check after Samantha left town, so her producing one check isn't as virtuous as it appears.

Juggernaut: "Who are you?"
Malcolm: "I'm Ra's Al Ghul, bitch!"

"You are the first thing, excuse me, person I ever wanted that walked away from me."

"We sent some agents to check on this Kilgrave guy. They had a talk with him, and decided that he is okay. They also said they interviewed all the people involved, and they all retracted their accusations. And we just got phone calls from several councilmen/senators/police chiefs who want us to stop harassing

I remember a first season Agents of SHIELD episode where a guy is burning alive in a scene, and we got to see and hear several seconds of him screaming in agony.

That was the intent.
(Also why I had to add the "I'm kidding" note.)

Flash-forward 3 months to the gravestone.

I'm gonna throw out 2 more theories. I admit, less than 1% chance for each, but you never know…

Now there's a thought. They could have Felicity get mad, become a villain, and be responsible for the gravestone.

I can't believe I had to go this deep into the comments before someone mentioned the general's regeneration.

It's also true that the Classic Doctor was brilliant but had very limited power, like an adventurous scientist. With the Modern Doctor capable of feats worthy of a demigod, that changes the types of stories they can tell. (I'd prefer a shift towards limited power, but I think that bridge was burned early in the RTD

Clara, Missy, and Me

A couple years back, NPR mentioned a study where they look at the behavior of (very) rich women. Often enough, they married pretty, younger "trophy" husbands.

And the movies bypass the issue that the girl is expected to look past the physical limitations of the loser, but the loser always aims at the prettiest girl he knows.