
There's always hope that Harvey Keitel will be a reoccurring guest star as the "Bad Lieutenant".

Not just during the sessions.
I am thinking about the scene where Will and Hannibal are standing by post-accident Margot. Even though he set things in motion, he seemed upset at what happened. (Probably thinking about tea cups, I guess.)

I know how to write complete sentences.
I thought it was more effective to communicate this experience as a train of thought, so this was a deliberate stylistic choice.

Heard Dead Ringers was good but creepy.
Didn't know what Cronenberg was capable of, at the time.
Saw it at a midnight showing.

Well, if you are going to use the common movie director to make a Star Trek-Wars mash-up…

What do you mean, "seemed"?
We are way too clever and way too funny!

"I'm going to keep on… hurting you. Your comments will be buried under twenty 'Load More Comment' buttons… buried alive… buried alive…"

The first time we meet the Prophets, their first instinct was to wipe out the corporeal invader (Sisko). Don't need mustache twirling Pah-Wraiths, just have the belligerent Prophet faction gain more votes in the Celestial Congress.

I'm almost certain that Jane Espenson created Phantom Dennis (which is why he shows up more in her scripts than others).

DS9 was arguing in the pilot episode that you don't invade in order to plunder their resources and change their government, because it will lead to 40 years of resistance and resentment.

"Bobby Ewing, taking a shower."

Well, I would dispute the "constantly" part of your statement.
Probably why I like StWOM; his acting is more restrained, and they allowed the Doctor to be emotionally vulnerable.

Just don't go to Vedek Winn for the tour.

I still vote for (pre-lobotomy) Kurn and Garak as the Odd Couple.

I think that would have taken the viewer out of the moment.

I didn't think suicide.
More like Kirk facing a (real life) Kobayashi Maru test.
Garak is definitely someone who has cheated death, tricked his way out of death and patted himself on the back for his ingenuity.

I had mentioned a possible outtake before (in some other review), but I'll repeat it here:

Yes to the affection.
They tip-toed on the line separating being playful with the show's history, and mocking it, but they never crossed that line. (Even when the Temporal agents started rolling their eyes when they heard "Kirk".)

Good luck getting any of those amused people to admit that they were making the exact same guesses when they were watching for the first time.

She was also very subtle when playing Odo (imitating the female Changeling) on the bridge of that modified Dominion ship.