One problem with the shrinking people genre is, after seeing Raquel Welch in that diver's outfit in Fantastic Voyage, miniature Dax in a normal Star Fleet uniform feels like a let down.
One problem with the shrinking people genre is, after seeing Raquel Welch in that diver's outfit in Fantastic Voyage, miniature Dax in a normal Star Fleet uniform feels like a let down.
They only need to cooperate while dealing with the Alpha empires.
Once that is over, and it is time to actually "operate" the criminal enterprise, I expect that it would be simpler for Orion to be nuked from orbit. ("It's the only way to be sure.")
I do not plan to re-watch LHWiWS to confirm this, but: (a) Worf is not the regularly assigned weather officer, just a guest, and (b) he caused it to rain (by shutting off the equipment stopping the normal rain), not the opposite.
I know it is completely irrational, but in my head I keep thinking it is Bob Peck instead of Nick Tate. When he picks up the Klingon disrupter rifle, I expect him to say "Clever girl" before being eaten by Enterprise CGI Gorn.
"Mr. Garak, you were told to observe, not to take action!"
"But all I did was watch! How is it my fault that a dozen of the top members of the Syndicate decided to assassinate each other in the same evening?"
I tend to skip over both episodes. The goofiness of the shrunken ship interferes with the Alpha-v-Delta fighting that I was more interested in. And HAT felt out of place. (They aren't bad stories; I just don't like them. But I can understand why others feel differently.)
I don't know if it was Peter Davison or the writers, but at least they had the Doctor haunted by Adric, His name is the last word heard from the 5th Doctor before the regeneration.
I think you mean "if you could combine their best qualities, you'd create something phenomenal."
Maybe a love hypercube… otherwise known as the Eros Tesseract!
Except he doesn't suffer.
@avclub-29a5441a7b97a5938b0b7c7341600996:disqus : Agreed. But any port in the storm.
@avclub-29a5441a7b97a5938b0b7c7341600996:disqus : Was the Asgardian still around? We know that guy is horny, and can relate to controlling rage.
"Why, Mary, you're all grown up now…
And Sam Wainwright decided to pay for boob surgery after all."
Well, I couldn't find anything searching for that.
He couldn't see Earth, didn't know what direction it was, but he knew roughly how long they had been flying away. He saw that the Sun looked smaller than normal, so he flew closer until it looked about the same size as it would from Earth, then began his search pattern.
Stern did a number of things that made me wish he could clone himself to write more comics.
I haven't read it in ages, but what I thought at the time was it was a different alien trying to trick whats-his-name into thinking it was the original alien with the StarBrand. (This is kind of backed up when we find out it has a similar Brand, although not as powerful.)
I was just checking some quotes from "The Brain of Morbius". I am impressed how Moffat can reuse old dialogue, almost exactly, but still make it appropriate for the current story.
Sarah Jane: "Oh, I know you're a Time Lord."
The Doctor: "You don't understand the implications… I'm not a human being; I walk in eternity…"