The following people are better (in some ways, not as good in others) than Patton: Jeselnik, Louis CK, Bill Burr, Bo Burnham, David Chappelle, David Cross...
The following people are better (in some ways, not as good in others) than Patton: Jeselnik, Louis CK, Bill Burr, Bo Burnham, David Chappelle, David Cross...
I really enjoy Patton, and he was very influential in the beginning of the ‘alt-comedy’ scene. I just think calling him THE best, especially at the beginning of a review, is lazy. However, stand up comedy is a medium that’s very subjective and I wouldn’t begrudge any one naming him as ‘their favorite’. It’s just that…
‘There’s no better standup working today than Patton Oswalt’.... Not sure I agree with that sweeping generalization.
Well... they’re not wrong.
Her improv skills suck though.
Take your unsucked candy back out of the well.
“Hey, which of us has the most naked contempt for Fincher? Collins? Cool, assign him to cover Mindhunter.” <—- AV Club I hate it when someone who so obviously hates everything about the main creator of a certain show is assigned to cover it, everything gets filtered through their bitter vitriol. And while I get that…
Ford’s flights of literary fancy
This review/recap is absolutely off. I binged 6 episodes today and it’s great.
Been great three episodes in. Well worth a watch
You know, if when I was little you’d told me that in the future we’d be counter-protesting actual Nazis in America instead of wearing cool silver jumpsuits with triangles on the front and zipping around in our hovercars, I’d have thought you were the crazy one.
Who’s the thin-skinned one again?
You sound thin-skinned and eager to be angry. This simply isn’t a gender issue.
I love that you don’t know what rage is and you think it creates rage. More it creates a pretty large segment of people rolling their eyes at how stupid it is
My takeaway from this article: If you are a man and argue with a woman, you are mansplaining.
while he’s been a dick in his follow-up response, nothing about that is mansplaining.
It’s not. AVC saw the woman’s son use Mansplain in his Tweet, and they thought, “Ouh, everyone hates when we use that word! Clickety clicks!”
Being a smarmy know-it-all knows no gender. Also, I think the term “mansplain” is terribly overused, or used poorly.
An article about an article about an article on an article of clothing based on a that article of clothing. Nice.
I don’t understand how this is a story about gender.