
Well, 9/11 was, in bin Laden’s words, committed due to: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia,

Family Guy...the beacon of intelligent commentary.

Mental illness.

Jesus christ, learn how to read. I never said it’s not political. I’m saying that politicizing something like this so soon after it happened, especially in this case when we don’t know much about motives or the shooter himself, is knee-jerk and idiotic. Get the facts, let people grieve, and then politicize.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t politicize this in the future, but to politicize it less than 12 hours after it occurred when facts and details are slim is knee-jerk stupidity.

This post is the equivalent to sticking your fingers in your ears and going “nah-nah-nah-nah I can’t hear you”

Buy a dictionary, look up the word “Terrorist,” and try again.

I bet the (currently) 58 people dead are stoked that their deaths are being used as fodder for AVClub to ridicule Trump’s speech.

Kanye>over-rated, saccharine drivel like Calvin & Hobbes

I heard from a friend of a friend that secret society The Stonecutters put the screws to Hollywood in the 80s to make Guttenberg a star.

I’m sure Steve Guttenberg is gutted that he doesn’t have the respect of some film dork on AVClub named Scranton’s Banana Problem.

The original was a shit movie, and anybody who did enjoy it is probably the type of person who thinks that Marvel movies should be awarded Oscars

The people who hate South Park for the creators’ comments about avoiding Trump usually stems from their overall hatred of the show itself (usually due to the grief they suffered as a kid when they were called “ginger” or “jewbag”) and they just want an excuse (in this case, an extremely weak excuse) to shit on the

Why the fuck would they not be scared of muslim extremists when they did the Mohammad episode and be scared douchebag, white-bred alt-right losers? Your logic sucks.

RATM was never good

There is no worse news that people under 30 dying of cancer.

Spike TV has also developed a new show regarding BLM called “Black Lives Bladder” and each week features a new prominent black voice to speak about racial issues but only while urinating.  

I didn’t get the memo that today is opposite day

If HBO announced that they are producing a sixth season of the Wire in which Stringer Bell comes back to life and terrorizes Baltimore as a zombie cyborg, and Seth McFarlane makes a cameo in an episode...I wouldn’t watch it on principle alone.

meat suite marathon...tonight