
Yeah, but she'll be played by Kym Whitley this time around. Hopefully no one notices

Honestly, she's straight up riding her Disney Channel celebrity to the top. It doesn't seem sustainable though.

Not Selena Gomez, I can tell you that

I'm from the Chicagoland area too, and definitely did (still kinda do) feel a little threatened by his dominance

Great response by LeBron. He's severely underrated for everything he does and says off the court

Yeah, that's what I figured. My recent viewings of it made me think, "man, this show thinks it's a lot funnier than it actually is"

I enjoyed the show greatly as a kid, but it's been kinda hard to watch today. The references all feel incredibly dated

How the fuck does anyone get to the point where they feel comfortable to demand such stupid shit?

I heard he body-slammed him, and then he body-shamed him. Tragic

I'm not really a fan of him either, but kind of feel the need to defend him from the "I have no idea who this guy is" posts. We get it, you're white.

If only Neutral Milk Hotel or Father John Misty did this, then we would know for sure if all the money went to the right place

Pretty crazy for a guy to go from being in the NBA to become YA movie director

"She’s also…prohibited from
taking pictures or video of people without their permission or having a
camera “in places where people might be naked or expect privacy.""

You don't know that for sure

I didn't really have any intention of watching this, but man, the way Javier Bardem's character said "Jack Sparrow" in the commercials were really off-putting.

As an Indian guy—who happens to look similar to Aziz—I can say with confidence that our chances of landing a white Italian girl that looks like whatshername are only that high in dream-fantasy land.

Love this guy. It's crazy to see a guy pretty much exactly like my friends and I be on the come up like this

Time travel always seems to be a tricky concept to get right, so I'll give this episode a pass.


I remembered De Palma/Pacino's wasn't the first Scarface right after I posted this. There's is definitely overrated