
Or, how horrible that women’s illnesses are so ignored that people like you just assume they’re excuses for something else.

Like awesome neighborhoods working to build communities? The fact that you can take a ferry to SF? That beer place at the ferry building? All of the hiking trails? People who have lived there for decades and are still holding out for when it’s going to turn around? Old school diners with regular clients and waitresses

I HATE people who shit on parents who choose formula. I HATE them. I was a huge baby (born weighing over 10 lbs) and I was underfed and starving for WEEKS before my parents started using formula. My mom couldn’t produce enough milk for me and was so emotionally vulnerable that all the messages about formula being “bad

its all about chem trails that can be left in a body and toxins


Cleanses are bullshit. They don’t “remove toxins” or anything like that, and no science backs them. If people want to feel physically better overall, changing their diet to one that is a balance of the food groups, with treats in moderation, is the way to go. The moderation part is so that they feel better mentally,

There’s a marked difference between admitting you are trying to integrate more healthy, whole foods into your diet and turning every single Pinterest pin, Facebook post, and chat sesh into an evangelical declaration of your “diet.” The clean-eater, paleo, wheat belly diet folks always seem to be the latter, where it’s

Nothing is wrong with you! You are lucky enough to have not been socialized to take on all of this labor.

I am sure there are more like you than you probably realize, but because of social stigma, not even mentioning gender stigma, others like you probably facade through life and pretend to care, certainly don’t make an effort to let everyone know about it. I joke to my bf that even though we like a lot of the same stuff,