
The lasted NUMBERED entry in the series. Let’s make THAT important distinction.

It’s actually super embarrassing for the Switch as a whole that they allowed this shit to go up at all. The Switch has been slowly gaining a reputation as Steam 2.0 when it comes to their lack of quality control and sholveware. This really does not help that bad reputation. It’s things like this that is making the

Yeah whatever. Like anyone cares anymore.

Ok, so..... are we now pretending we feel bad for Konami or what?

Why are we reporting on this like it’s new? This is at least SEVERAL years old.

Vice Project Doom DOES NOT FUCKING SUCK. It is a GREAT game, that plays wonderfully and is one of my all time favorites, fuck off. It is right up there with Ninja Gaiden, Journey To Silius and Power Blade in terms of all time greats on the system.

more bullshit over nothiiiiing~

That is absoutely not the case. Everyone is already using the “seperate an artist from their views” excuse to pretty much look the other way on this. She will face 0 repurcussions. Not to mention that “IStandWithRowling” trended on twitter almost directly after this.

“good job Nintendo”

It’s not a Johnny Cash song god dammit.

Good on him for sticking to his guns and not subscribing to this virtue signaling trend like all of these other selfish attention whores online who are just NOW pretending to care about this shit after it’s been happening for 40+ years non-stop, just to make themselves look woke and superior. I actually really respect

Same here. This is as much “The Last Jedi” as it’s going to be a game that is actually great, even though entitled, ignorant kids are going to hate becuase it tells a story that’s not aimed specifically at pandering to everything they expected.

When SJW’s review video games and don’t take stock of what they’re actually supposed to take from it becuase their need to virtue signal takes priority over taking the negative behaviors in the story for what they’re supposed to be...... you get this.

Fuck Political Correctness.

More PC babies crying about nothing just to virtue signal and try and make everything about themselves.

This is so fucking stupid. No thanks, we don’t need more fucking political correctness insanity.


Actually, you have that entirely backwards. There’s even LESS to suggest any actual guilt of the part of Jackson, as pretty much ALL accusers were contradicted and found to be lying, or otherwise entirely discredited. Not a shred of evidence, circumstantial or otherwise was EVER found. And let’s not forget that this

“It’s a bit uncomfortable having the main character moving in with his police detective uncle at the beginning of the game, especially considering current events.”

Wrong. It looks great.