
IN YOUR OPINION. No one else’s. This game has a HIGH Metacritic score. And even higher user score. Mainstream reviewers on most review sites LOVE this game. Fans love it. Only a SELECT few who don’t understand what genre it is or can’t figure out how to play it are whining about it, when the majority think it’s great.

Cool, you didn’t read the article, thus actually missing the point.

Actually, it was NEVER “seperate from his writings”

Reviews? Which ones do you mean? The 7.8 on Metacritic? Or the 8.7 in User Reviews? So, you’re talking about the majority reviews that LOVE the game?

Yeah, it wasn’t a review. It was just a garbage opinion that literally no one agrees with.

You can go fuck yourself, Xenoverse’s controls were damn near perfect.

78 on Metacritic, 8.7 in user review scores, and nearly all mainstream reviewers loved it.

“be a good RPG”

Oh thank christ, Gita was one of the absolute worst on this site full of whiners and clickbaiters. Please do not let that door hit you on the way out.

This is stupid. This guy acts like he walked into a Wendy’s and got charged for an extra pepsi he didn’t order.

That obnoxious audio was way worse than the actual animation was.

....then you’re someone who has no idea how clever “Mother” actually IS in the context of all three games, since they specifically refer to several key story elements in context of every game.

I recall the infamous words of Mr. Horse from The Ren and Stimpy Show.

“do people just go into hiding and pop out to shit on this game just for the luls now?”

Are you just NOW realizing this? Wow. You’re incredibly out of the loop.

When this game’s announcement was first revealed, i’m sad to say that I was like you. A gate-keeping, overly fanboysih, hyper-purist that was looking for ANY possible reason I could to declare that the game was going to suck.

I’m gonna say it.

I honestly don’t think it’s that bad.

You are spouting MANY wrong opinions, here.

Kingdom Hearts II, nor any game in the series is an RPG. Remove Persona 5 and replace it with Persona 4. Xenogears is an unfinished mess of a game. Remove it. No one cares about Lost Oddyssey, remove it as well. Replace those four removed games with the following: Dragon Quest XI, Mother 3, Grandia, and Octopath