Thanks for doing Kotaku’s job for them. Apparently they couldn’t be bothered, themselves.
Thanks for doing Kotaku’s job for them. Apparently they couldn’t be bothered, themselves.
“I don’t play Kingdom Hearts so none of that made sense to me,”
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Wow. Fuck you, Luke. I already knew you were trash, but just... wow.
I remember after thinking Final Fantasy 7 was such a great game and a worthy follow up to FFIII(US), I waited with excitement for Final Fantasy 8. Finally the day arrived, I played it for 6 hours... and it broke my heart.
You should have already had it for a long time already. This is your own fault.
Could you please stop whining about things you REALLY don’t need to whine about this much? None of this is even remotely as big a deal as you make it out to be. Grow up.
No. You are not going to backpedal and pretend that you were being clever. That is not what is going to happen here.
You do realize that you can’t spin this around and pretend like you’re the clever one when you can’t even properly identify an age group, right?
So now we’re actually taking the words of a clearly racist, untalented “musician” as fact now without even questioning it a little?
But... dosn’t that sound accurate, and fine?
What exactly are we supposed to be angry at her about, aside from being right?
And then there’s Corpse Party which is getting a game in it’s series released on the Nintendo Switch.
I don’t know what’s worse. Your very wrong, completely inaccurate take that was absolutely what NO one back then was saying OR thinking, or that so many hipsters in the replies are agreeing with your awful opinion.
Even just so much as the THOUGHT of Trump dying is enough to put me in a good mood.
Only if you’re ignorant and biased against VR. But uh oh, what’s this?
“Boo hoo, there’s a Pokemon game for Switch, but I still don’t have a Switch. Clearly this is Nintendo’s fault”
What’s this? Actual common sense backed up by facts?
Or, you know, $50
As always, the internet needs to grow up.