Unfortunately Billy’s weird “Pool Boys” thing appears to have made it into the Deadspin style guide regardless!
Unfortunately Billy’s weird “Pool Boys” thing appears to have made it into the Deadspin style guide regardless!
The bid book has claimed that Toronto will host at an expanded BMO (it currently seats around 30,000 so expanding it to the required 40k isn’t quite as heavy a lift as somehow making Rogers adequate to host a soccer game). Agreed that it’ll be interesting to see what on earth they do with Olympic though. They claim…
If RM somehow hired someone new TODAY they would be their fifth manager in five years, so no the article is correct.
I figure that in the soccer context the object is assumed (because there is usually only one place a given team can be relegated to at a given time).
I would love to see a team start a bunch of academy graduates and watch them get their dicks kicked in until they figure it out.
They HAVE other soccer writers. They just also have this one.
Is it really “out early” when you were never in in the first place?
This is the thing I have never gotten about people like Billy who are so convinced that everyone should be on board with “results follow money, money follows results” and then write screeds like this complaining about inevitable consequences of that model, like modern Real Madrid, or Big Clubs monopolizing access to…
one of us one of us ONE OF US
Every Match Matters!
(except all those matches for the next month after City won the title at a canter, they don’t matter)
Arsenal will (almost certainly) at least make the Europa League even if Burnley catch up to them, because City have already won the League Cup, 3 out of the four teams that can win the FA Cup have already qualified for Europe, and Leicester are nine ponts behind Burnley with five games to go so it would take a truly…
....isn’t that the point?
A “tie” is the British/soccer term for what Americans would call a “series”. A lot of elimination tournaments in soccer use two-legged (home and away) total-goals series rather than single games, for the same reason that Americans sports where doing so is possible without killing people use five or seven-game series…
all cops are bastards brah
MLS actually keeps a pool of reserve goalkeepers for similar reasons: http://www.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/the-full-90/article1217414.html
I’m pretty sure Precourt’s never said he wanted a stadium in Columbus or Austin to be publicly funded (in fact, he’s been remarkably opaque about what WOULD get him to stay in Columbus, which is half the problem).
And yet it’s still, absolutely, competitive compared to Ligue 1. This is such a low bar to clear that the world’s greatest limbo experts recoil in horror, but here we are, that’s Big European Football for ya.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, a writer who says “two late penalty calls offered Tottenham a way back into a match they’d been pretty handily bested in for most of the 90 minutes.” and then goes on to spend the next four paragraphs describing a situation that is the exact opposite of “Tottenham were handily…
It’s kinda funny that the top two articles on Screamer right now are both written by the same person, about players who:
Maybe Laura’s not counting them because they were effectively just moved to Salt Lake?