Seeing a male topless is not sexualizing him. Maybe the yaoi fangirls you creep on are into that whole prepubescent Vaan look, but it's not that common. Nor is Vaan ever posed for the viewers pleasure besides in the one photo you keep posting. As a gay guy I would love more fan service. Give me Barret with a bulge…
Stop trying to make this happen. It's dumb. You're dumb. You don't understand what makes a man sexy.
The idea that the writers of the article wish for someone to have an innate "blackness" without somehow being turned into a stereotype is preposterous.
I admire Tyson's work but his arrogance is not befitting a scientist. He seems convinced that his theories are the only ones that count and that's straight-up bad science. I'd hate to see how he reacts when peer reviews don't go his way (scratch that, I'd love to see how he reacts).
The entire level being a "boss" in some modern shooters is an excellent point. It brings to mind the truck convoy and the train from Uncharted 2 and the collapsing building from Uncharted 3. Having a unique environmental challenge which tests your skills can be even more fun and interesting than a big boss.
Allow me to introduce you to silicene and germanane.
I recently came across my little nephew and niece "playing house". I immediately demanded who the antagonist was, but they didn't understand the question. I tried pointing out that what they were doing had no challenge or skill progression, but they still claimed it was "fun". I eventually had to stop their "game"…