
Peak Trump.

Real talk, how do they do this without losing their tax-exempt status? I suppose they won’t sell any ads?

Right? Your boyfriend told you to your face that he’s in love with his best gf and you don’t do a damn thing. At least Brit Brit would have yelled at Jax before taking him back the next day.

Poor mute beauty queen, I felt so bad for her during the Big Bear episode! Like girl, look at Brittney, she is your future, is that what you want.

Also listening at work and going through a rough time, so I feel you. Men are the living worst. xo.

Calm down, Bekah.

The subtle trolling (shade?) throughout the article is amazing. My favorite is the title, “Louise Linton is Super-Duper Sorry.”

Bullshit, indeed. If Nationwide’s goal is to be inclusive....then just fucking translate your documents without being told to do so. I get wanting to cover themselves if somehow the translations differ, but there are plenty of translators and bilingual attorneys out there that they can pay to ensure uniformity.

Not just you, I re-read the Tom Cruise piece several times and still don’t get it! Maybe Whitney had some mimosas with her Dirt Bag. Or maybe I need some.

Yes. See also rates and means to make phone calls. You have to have someone on the outside set up an account with a private third-party company on their phone to make (very expensive) phone calls.

Oh hey neighbor! I think I’ve seen other people post articles about him, but they haven’t gotten much attention.

WELL ACTUALLY, yes it is!

Ha, I started making some last night, but I’d have to redact names and locations and honestly I have no idea how to do that efficiently.

10000000%. Recently, there was a lively discussion regarding whether you could be charged with assault and battery to spray a homeless person with a hose if he or she gets too close to your property.

Hmm...not a bad idea....not a bad idea at all. My dream situation is finding him as opposing counsel one day.

Ha, no worries about that, I realized long ago that he enjoys the attention while I was getting upset at what a dick he is, but I appreciate the advice!

These are good suggestions, any chance I get to rile him up I’ll take it.

I’m sorry to shatter your dreams, but