
And it looks jenky as fuck. Why are the front panels so crooked?

She is completely batshit and I love it. Poor James, how could you be with someone who is agonizing over their ex like that?

You are correct!

Thank you, I was looking for this comment.

University President Jerry Falwell


cool story

There IS, however, everything right about your user name! It’s my fave. Morejezthanyou needs a Galentines Day.

From the first line of the article: “They got it from their mama!” Nice try, Us Weekly.

Honestly, making syrup is super easy. I made mint syrup recently, put a wet paper towel around the shallow container and stuck it in the freezer for a bit. The whole thing took 90 minutes, at most, and that includes cooling time.

That is 4 too many.

There are more ankle length denim skirt fetishists than we realized.

Skinny people complaining about fat and sugar is seriously the worst. Shannon has a great bod, especially for being a mother of two.

I was going to respond in detail, but MaryTyler explained it pretty perfectly! I would not mind having drinks with Shannon (without David).

It makes you wonder what Shannon was like pre-David right? When she’s just drinking with the girls, like when they were on vacation earlier this season, she’s a hoot!

When Shannon started complaining about the fat and the sugar I said out loud to my computer “shut UP Shannon!” And I really like her and, of course, feel terrible for what she’s going through.

Sounds like compelled speech by a government actor upon private citizens.

Talk about the perfect solution. Where were you when the Giudice’s were filing fradulent tax returns?! ;)

And such a loving fambly they are....

Same same same!