
I’m dying at my desk.

Hmm, Colorado amended their constitution to say something very similar and the Court struck it down as unconstitutional in 1995.

You missed my point. Picking up trash is not that bad.

That doesn’t sound that bad - especially when you have THREE YEARS to complete it.

I’m sorry that was your experience but that wasn’t mine or my brothers’.

Gay train engineers are ruining the sanctity of his train rides!!! Charles, get your head out of your ass.

these bitches never miss an opportunity to throw a theme party AND I LOVE IT

My SO’s friend is dating a girl like that...she started bringing her own tupperware bowls full of food to parties. It still annoys me.

I think we dated the same person at the same time haha. So many delicious things are green! Avocados for example.

My dad taught us to try everything with logic. “If you’re hungry then you’ll eat it. If you don’t eat it, then you’re not that hungry.”

The Barnes and noble corporation has much deeper pockets than the store, in addition to what jezbanned said.

That’s really really sweet. I too have been going through a bit of a hard time lately...all of the hugs to you. We’re super lucky to have great parents :)

hahaha I just laughed so hard my dog woke up and gave me the evil eye

oh my gosh, my mom does the same thing, she laughs the hardest at her own jokes and can’t stop.

awww, that’s so sweet. You’ll have to recreate that sometime in homage to her :)

Haha drunk moms are the best moms.

We were out after my birthday dinner and my mom is MOM DRUNK aka a bottle of red wine into the night. We’re walking to the car and she’s like “what does ismin parking mean? Eeeeeesmin.....iiiiismin....”

Mark and Tams 4ever!

WHO KNOWS?? Why was Melissa working with Holden???

I’m about to out myself as a 31 year old who watches Pretty Little Liars but DGAF - but I’ll bet that Adam Lambert got his inspiration for this jam when he was a guest star/singer on an episode where the Liars were on a “Ghost Train.” Spoiler Alert, A was there!!!