
"I thought was like moral and moral, you just pronounce it different (like a moral choice and team moral)."

You hadn't already made it a point not to listen to anything Taylor Swift-related?

"Friday, Friday, it's after Thursday, Friday, Friday, next comes Saturday"

Leaving October 1st: Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorcist, The Devil's Rejects, because who wants horror movies in October?

If you please, sir, Squirt is not a Sprite knockoff, but a grapefruit citrus soda.

"Nobody does any work the last few days of school anyway!" HENCE, skipping out on school!

And it CERTAINLY doesn't fizzle. I think this may not be the site for horror movie recommendations.

The ending is not ludicrous or insulting, it's perfect.

I want Stan to give her a go-round like she's never had before

Me too, except for the "worried" part!

Didn't many people say as soon as she decided to keep the baby, she was shown packing and heading off to visit Greg at whatever base he was at?  I think she covered for it.  It was brief and easy to miss, and I really don't care enough to go back and look, but this was what was being said on these comment boards.

@avclub-fbb2edb68e804720ff2593eff56ae190:disqus  I like how you characterize something entirely fucking awesome that millions of us would kill for as "sorta embarrassing".

I think "attempted" leaves the possiblity of assuming it was suicidal "gesture" rather than a failed genuine attempt.

I think it's wrong to assume that people who wish to end their life are mentally ill.  This is why we need the right-to-die like in the Netherlands.

I'm reading Cliffy's comments in the voice of that obnoxious child movie critic that reviewed Midnight In Paris on Ebert Presents for my own entertainment  (nothing at all against Cliffy)

This has convinced me to go see J. Edgar, because you didn't recommend it.

Remember back when we were so impressed with level-headed Walt quick to think on his feet, when Hank had Walt and Jesse cornered in the RV and he thought of a way out of it in a split-second?  He is truly missed.

Can't we at least keep the grading bitchery to one thread?

I think they've established Gale was doing it for the love of chemistry.  Things would have been smooth if Gale never brought Walt into it.