Melissa Ulto

The way people get so bumfuzzled about the “he said/she said” nature of some sexual assaults is mind boggling to me. It’s as if the listener, for the time and space of hearing the sexual assault story only, utterly loses all sense of risk, motivation, and consequences. What possible motivation would a woman have to

Here are some you can choose from:

Matt Taibbi is currently 47. That shit he did that you are chalking up to the foibles of youth happened in his 30s. The book, that you desperately want to retroactively believe is fiction, but clearly is not, came out when he was 40. So do your lame excuses about his behavior as a 20-something youth still hold up when

Q: How do you know he didn’t do the things he claims?

Why do you believe him? In particular, why do you believe him and not Ames? And what do you think of a guy who co-authors a book with a guy who (in your view) truthfully brags about raping a 15-year-old? I’m honestly asking. I don’t know his work, but what about him makes you think that he’s making up all the terrible

A lot of us didn’t even buy Vice’s bullshit attempt at starting a women’s blog in the FIRST place... their ideological track record re women is noticeably Not Great, and they proved it as soon as they launched Broadly. The tone is all wrong, it doesn’t ring true, it reads like a bunch of MRAs trying to impersonate

Looks like somebody found the lithium pill that mommy hides in your food every morning!

The football talk just seems so insignificant and out of place after that intro.

All sorts of sources for harassment. Plus, you’re in an inherently sexist, patriarchal structure that limits your ability to advance and mandates your chastity by saying it belongs to your “founder”.

OMG, I am so glad you posted this! Parents need to stop encouraging their kids to fixate on strange boobs. It might be just a joke when the child is an infant, but I’ve seen it continue as the child gets older-and then it’s not so cute to deal with an eight year old trying to get close to your tits. When that kids

while he was diddling the altar boys in the rectory?

Nope. Even priests sexually harass and sometimes rape the nuns.

Ma’am... the text is coming from inside your home. IT’S COMING FROM INSIDE YOUR HOME!! GET OUT!

I have never been harassed while paying taxes, at least not in this country.

And hope your landlord isn’t a dude or that you own your house and won’t need to refinance.

... Or go online...

No job, you should chose not to work.

If there is one thing keeping our relationship together its complete honesty. Lol.

Tsk, tsk. I want all the distraught straight men to know that many of us find penises beautiful to look at. Unfortunately for them, most of us are gay men. But I want them to know, if they’re sick of having their beautiful penises disrespected and laughed at, we’re waiting with open...arms.

We watched last night and my husband legit turned to me and said “DO YOU GUYS THINK OUR PENISES ARE UGLY”.