Melissa Ulto

sometimes its all just too much, too overwhelming, to express

Mother’s Day memories: that time, she was so wasted, and while watching a movie about junkies with her, described how to do heroin properly, from cooking to “jacking”. Her describing how sexual it was - jacking - was particularly disturbing to my teen mind. Please note I have an extreme fear of needles and DIDN’T want

this was my mother. add in pedo boyfriends, drugs, alcoholism, moving 17 times before i was 21 to avoid social workers, and i’m one pretty shaken up cocktail of OMFGWTH. i have spent my adult life in therapy trying to unravel the crazy. the kicker is last fall i found out, via DNA, i’m half Puerto Rican (my father),

Mother’s Day memories: that time, she was so wasted, and while watching a movie about junkies with her, described how to do heroin properly, from cooking to “jacking”. Her describing how sexual it was - jacking - was particularly disturbing to my teen mind. Yah, Mother’s Day...fuq that shit...

“It’s hilarious how jealous everyone is of boston sports.”

Me too...sigh...I figured she did it on the down Lo

it could only be better if she got this as a tattoo...and inspired millions of other silly people to do the same.

its bath time again...wheeeee!

that is the most epic of burns

is that a white male baby? related to someone famous or wealthy? or a tofu baby that GOOPY made for them?

totally. can’t ever watch another movie of hers. so disappointed. next.

she has a Dropcam. I have two of them. Fabulous investment.

two succubi and a kid. Barba Wawa is such a creepy old lady. is this interview necessary???? feminist????? thirsty senility has set in...DON’T FORGET ME!!! I’M STILL RELEVANT!!! LOOK, A LADY PEDO!!!

i can feel the man-love coming off you. such support. much contempt. wow. we thank you - signed, the feminists

dude...this was in support of you, not against you. the whole Jessica Alba thang. GET IT?

...Jessica...? Is that you...?

so basically it was a Stephen Glass situation, where some things were true, but he made up a “person” to drive his story home? laaaaaaaazy.