some people smoke it specifically to have an appetite. old men who tend to waste away, cancer patients, other people with immune deficiency and pain disorders. she sounds like she should stick to X or meth, the real diet pills lol...
some people smoke it specifically to have an appetite. old men who tend to waste away, cancer patients, other people with immune deficiency and pain disorders. she sounds like she should stick to X or meth, the real diet pills lol...
what flaws do you speak of? i'm an industry professional - cinematographer, writer, producer, editor - and i saw it as a FLAWLESS masterpiece. unless you can provide real technical and creative examples, you are just negging.
white men fail upward. i am so tired of pasty, mediocre white dudes.
fuck hollyweird. Spike know's what's up. he's releasing his next film on vimeo, straight to his audience. hollyweird is over - its a monopoly of families that continue to hold wealth and taste hostage. Brolins, Barrymores, Coppolas, Mayers, Goldwyns, Reitmans, Mankiewiczs, Annistons, (oh you didn't know Jen was a…
i prefer schadenboner
she is, at heart, just a creepy old fool. and the legacy sure sounds a helluva lot like the precious...
so good i had to quote you
we can smell your smelly balls when you sit like that. close your goddamn legs already and deal with your sticky, stinky balls on your own time. no one cares.
ummm you guys know that we can SMELL you smelly sacks? close your goddamn legs already.
gah!!!! the original Santacon was where we protested outside of and inside of Starbucks.
Please note - I was a Santaconner over a decade ago, when it was still small - basically, an anarchistic art performance done around the city. It was a group of artistic people who were expressing anti-consumerist messaging and joy at a little rambunctious fun. these dudebros were the folks mocking us and insulting us…
werd. sisterhood is real.
shill. shill. shill. also remember she used to make a living making fun of crack heads. it was "cute" in the 80s, right?
so proud of Beverly. such a classy, gracious lady. and she gave such eye shade. i could feel it - rage, oh-n0-you-didn't and idgaf all rolled into one. badass warrior woman shit. love her.
i see what you did there. care for a moist towelette?
this post is so regressive. no, gawking by any gender at anyone as an object is not cool. and having an Tinder or any dating site profile speaks to the intention to cheat, if not the act. for chrissakes, the mental gymnastics this bullshit word salad bar is serving up is absurd. NO THANK YOU.
Carmen Sandiego called...she wants it back...
Ava: The president's much younger (second) wife.