
Why are you assuming that the people voting for Hillary are all liberals?

Why do you assume that voting for Hillary is against anyone’s best interests? You’re comparing a minority voting for Hillary (someone who has a long history of being pro-women, pro-minority, etc.) to white rural evangelists voting for big-business, anti-govmt assistance republican candidates. Those are not adequate

No, the WM3 films were all made before they were released from prison. The last film was actually finished and then all of a sudden they were released, so the filmmakers held up the film so they could include that information. However, the first film was made in 1996, the second in 2000, and the third in 2012, so

It’s really not that high. Probably somewhere between 0.01% and 0.15% of babies are born with signs of FASD (which means any problem caused by alcohol, not just FAS).…