
I’m from Florida, lived in GA for 4 years and TN for over 10. None of my friends paraded around with a Confederate flag. Yeah, you see them in trucks and in front of peoples homes but normal considerate southern folk don’t really embrace that flag. Yes it’s our history and yes southerners are a proud people in general

Keaton’s mom is full of shit. The confederate flag is not everywhere in the South. I have lived in North Carolina most of my life and the confederate flag is rarely seen. I think Keaton’s mom hangs around with a lot of racists so she sees the flag more often than people who do not hang out with racists. Birds of a

lived in georgia for 18 years and the confederate flag is at the top of my list of flags to burn. it represents racism and intolerance - nothing less. i had someone on twitter say something like “SO WHAT? SOUTHERN PRIDE!”... southern pride is enjoying your grits. southern pride is not shitting on a group of people for

Born in South Carolina, raised in Texas. Had family that (supposedly) fought for the Confederacy. I have no use for these people who use the Confederate flag to talk about their ‘Heritage’. Slavery was wrong. They tried to leave the United States because they wanted to continue to own people and use them. They lost.

I’m a white dude born and raised in the south. I’ve never owned a confederate flag and I don’t think it should be flown or hung anywhere except but in a museum.

I’m a fellow born and raised Texan and I cannot stand the sight of the confederate flag.

Texas was part of Spain and France for longer than it was the Confederacy and its a joke to say its a part of our heritage. Anyone who claims otherwise is uneducated or willfully ignorant.

Louisiana guy here who’s old enough to have voted against David Duke in the early 90s. I hated the flag then and hate it even more now.

Richmond, Virginia checking in, and that would be negative. Although, some of my family may disagree...Guess who didn’t get invited to Christmas this year? I’m going to Brazil tomorrow, for two weeks, for the Holidays to see some Brazilian friends in Sao Paulo and I AM HYPE!

“We’re not racist. Even my lawyer is a Jew.”

Sorry. My twitter timeline is beating the crap out of me today.

No, this born and raised Texan HATES this damn flag. I would never have one in my home or in my possession. I am actually antagonistic to the assholes with the “Heritage Not Hate” bumper stickers.

When Lam set up the GoFundMe what was the stated goal? How is the money going to help stop the bullying?

Well, to be fair, 2017 HAS been a pretty shitty year, so... sure, why not?

1. Barron’s father

Confederate monuments: the original participation trophies.