
She didn’t give up her family to marry him. Her family excommunicated her because she was marrying him. The title of this article is misleading and can make someone think that Gene Upshaw was the force that made her choose between him and her family. Which would lead one to believe that you’re playing upon racism for

When asked why he still continues to dine at the Tadich Grill after these revelations, Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder replied, “My polling shows that African Americans regard being treated as ‘separate but equal’ as a source of pride.”

Snyder....Party of two...You’re table is ready

Sounds like Worst Restaurant Stories is getting another edition.

It must be quite a feeling to get to a level where your coaching is so far ahead of the rest of the league that you actually end up with extra time to game plan hilarious jokes to play during games.

It was also a smart move by Ryan to have the best quarterback in the stadium serve as an honorary captain.

He beats his kid and chews tobacco? Sounds like a red neck to me

three 8s. OJ is 2. 8 minus 2 is 6. 666.

Duh, all three are innocent of the allegations against them. Jesus Christ, people are stupid.

I like unfrosted pop tarts 😯

As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.

I don’t think they speak Spanish.

If you’re gonna pay a guy to not lead your team to victory, you can do it a hell of a lot cheaper than they are.

It’s funny how “singles hitter” is an insult when that’s entire point of batting leadoff. You never hear people go after closers with hot takes like “HE WAS A ONE INNING PITCHER DURRR OVERRATED”

It’s becoming increasingly clear that men who make this kind of life-long commitment are basically unhinged. Oh, and he’s a priest too.

the supporters of the visiting team typically sit in the left corner of the southern endzone at California Memorial Stadium. Maybe it was directed towards them.

I don’t entirely get it myself. I live in LA, and the only people I know of who are excited about an NFL team moving here are the plutocrats who stand to make out like (even bigger) bandits and the sports honks who’d be covering the games (and not having to pay to see them live). But these people just assume the

Why is the NFL s committed to getting a team in Los Angeles? I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that NFL games do a very good number in L.A., since it is the most popular sport throughout America, L.A. is full of transplants who want to watch other teams anyway, L.A. probably gets the better games most of the

Out of bored Saturday curiosity, I looked up Mark Davis on Wikipedia. His birthdate is unknown to the internet. It’s either 1954 or 1955, somewhere in that 730-day range. Didn’t that sort of thing die with frontiersmen? How is this guy’s birthday a mystery?