
For me, one of the most re-watchable films of the last ten years. I've been listening to the soundtrack on my way to work a lot lately.

That Buford's a sly one. Hit the deck, boy!!!!

True Grit lower tier? The hell's the matter with you?

Raising Arizona is one of the funniest movies ever made. Cage and Hunter should have won some kind of duel Oscar for their fantastic performances. Please re-watch immediately and adjust your tiers accordingly.

Yeah, but maybe we'll finally get that Manny Bothans backstory we've been longing for, assuming he stole the first plans too.

….and be described as this year's Little Miss Sunshine.

Shit, I knew it. I demand a re-trial.

At some point she encounters a child with an exceptionally high midiclorian count and has to bargain with a little Jewish alien for his freedom.

"Let me out of the cah, Cole. Let me out of the cah."

Finally, my Nien Nunb costume will get the attention it deserves.

The Master? To paraphrase Mr. Rogers: You can take a picture of a turd, put it in a nice frame and hang it on the wall but at the end of the day you're still looking at a turd.

Definitely hilarious. When Hooks is basically shouting the lyrics to Bridge Over Troubled Water, priceless. Hooks, Cheri Oteri, Melanie Hutsell (sic?) Some of the funniest ever.

Anal Babies? I didn't come here looking for names for my new punk band but….

I think they were looking for the homely, pitiable type. Kid almost got himself typecast by doing My Bodyguard.

I really enjoyed Pat Conroy's My Reading Life. As for fiction, I'd have to agree that anything by George Saunders is worth a read.

Are we able to include non-2013 books? If so the. I'd have to