If the Falcons win, I hope they go visit John Lewis instead of going to the White House.
If the Falcons win, I hope they go visit John Lewis instead of going to the White House.
Everyone who’s saying “respect the office” can get fucked. You know what I respect? The Constitution, which the Moldy Cheeto and his alcoholic fascist puppeteer Bannon clearly don’t.
If he can get all of the black players to join him in a Black Power salute on Pennsylvania Avenue, it’d be the greatest thing ever.
You just KNOW Gisele pegs him and he occasionally sucks the strap-on afterward
Fuck Tom Brady.
For what it’s worth, the single thing that’s made me feel the best and the most hopeful since Inauguration has been going to protests.
Yes. Everything that’s gone on in the first week of this presidency, from the seemingly trivial like lying about crowd size, to the major, like sparking a humanitarian crisis, ought to scare everyone who sees any value in American democracy and professes any fealty to American ideals. It is astonishing the speed with…
The ACLU just got a year’s worth of donations in a month. My congresswoman (Feinstein), who I disagree with frequently, just introduced legislation to roll back the “travel” (read: Muslim) ban. The Women’s March was by many accounts the largest protest ever.
That has been the one bright spot. That so many people spontaneously showed up to protest. But i fear that Trump will cause so many daily outrages that the shocking will become the new normal, and people will just get used to the madness. That is how extremism took root in every country. Regular people just didn’t…
I spent the weekend in horror, rage, shame and yes pride. If my government disgusts me, my fellow citizens (well most of them) fill me with hope.
I’m beginning to think that Janet Reno, the FBI, and the ATF set siege to the wrong religious complex in Waco.
Baylor alum here. May I suggest the Brazos River near campus? A lot of used needles, mutant fish and other charming oddities would make them more comfortable.
Make it symbolic and throw them in the river next to the stadium. Only makes sense.
The Baylor football program, police department, and any boosters aware of this need to be drowned in a deep lake.
Like our country, nothing binding will keep us from going off a cliff.
This just means he is an unorganized fuck.
Here’s how he supports his student-athletes:
An asshole who looks like a slightly more competent James Dolan.
What kind of asshole forgoes a tie while wearing cufflinks?
Found the Trump University Graduate!