
Hey Ryan.

Not only is that racist on the more blatant level, where they’re trying to keep black people from voting, it’s racist on a secondary level in that they think handing out weed and liquor is what will do it.

There were SO many angry tweets about how Beyoncé didn’t belong there and other tweets about the CMAs scheduling the worst performers. Those folks didn’t like Bey being there and they sure haven’t completely forgiven the Dixie Chicks.

“What’s the point?”

Really. It’s not “pussy” that was so offensive; it was “grab.” Why are these idiots so dense?

What I’m trying to say is, let us suffer in peace, Canada, and kindly fuck off.

Fortunately, their comments only translate to 75% of any value.

So then it’s safe to assume Nick Offerman doesnt write Swanson’s lines. That was horrendous.

I still don’t understand how there are any undecided voters at this point, and how these were the questions they needed answered in order to make up their minds. They have to be pretty damn uninformed to not know the answers already, except for the guy who asked the last question about one thing they respected about

You mean Dwight’s date to the Dinner Party? Aka his babysitter?

also, for a pro athlete, she sure sounds super unhealthy.

But did the principal have you twirl around so he could get “good look at you”? If not, then your story is different and has no connection to what we are talking about.

mediocre, white people movies

Austen’s art also didn’t call for people of color. Because her world is outdated and she’s long dead. Tim, this is a hint.

My vagina just sealed itself. He is absolutely repugnant in every way.

As a woman, I take most offence at the assumption I need a car that’s easy to park. I am a parking goddess. I have finessed my (large) car into spaces with literal inches to spare. I back using the mirrors. Leave me out of this “easy-to-park” bullshit.

Crouching while clown. Probably loitering, menacing, DTP, trespassing or something similar. If dumb-aszed-ness was on the books, I’d go with that.

I cant spend any more time with unpleasant white people.

I’ve shared this before on here, but I used to literally race home from middle school in order to hate watch this show. The mom was on my list of most hated, along with Simon, the oldest brother, and the dad.

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...