Me, I'm Counting

They got you.


Grok angry?

Needs more explosions.

There is absolutely nothing in the article that would back the claim made in the headline, so how would one “prove him [Dvorsky]  wrong”?

Ironically, the same goes for your comment, which I have read, in variations, a 1000 times.

What does any of this have to do with your initial claim?

You jumble commercial aspects with political ones. The Chinese government restricts for purely political reasons and couldn’t care less whether Chinese actors are in a cast.

Headline: hilarious!

Because only movies with Chinese actors are shown in China, correct?

Do it, it’s really well done.

Pretty sure that they didn’t have photography in 1600 ad or so. :p Interesting nevertheless.

Next stop: Putin did it.

Heretic bug-lover!

This just in: People disagree over movies! News at 11.

How would I know, or you? Also, why is it relevant? The question was about “arming themselves”, not “supporting the exit”.

In the real world, meanwhile, California has a 20% gun ownership rate - which translates into roughly 8 million armed people.

Being (or being titled) the most powerful being of the Universe doesn’t necessarily mean being a narcissist.

You are pretty assertive, given that you, like everyone else, know exactly zero about ETs, should they exist.