
I don’t know how I feel about this, to me as long as people have healthy outlets I’m certainly not going to shame them, in fact I would probably be excited that folks found a healthy way to explore the things they enjoy, even if it was having sex with Keanu. We’re talking about a guy that has had to deal with someone

The big problem with the live action is that it completely misses out on the grandiose world building and the feeling that things are fancifully in space. I mean the first episode being on the ship almost feels like just being on a train, and all the outdoor scenes feel like they could have been shot in a Mexican or

Yeah feel like he would benefit from watching the whole episode.

Sony can straight up kill their future license deals with Sony games as well as their consoles. They can pull Activision games off the PS Store, refuse future contract work.

Of course it was caught in QA but some dude with an ego NAB or Won’t Fixed it, guaranteed.

There is a latent flag there the code and assets are not there. The amount of stuff there is overstated.

You do realize the stuff you pickup in the treasure chests in the game is based on gambling mechanics and as variable interval rewards correct? That’s the micro way they do it. Then the macro hit is the Battlepass rng which is another never ending fixed interval system designed to keep people addicted and playing with

Because they utilize gaming and gambling mechanics that are intended to create dopamine hits and over time dependency on that dopamine hit exactly like Vegas gaming then they target kids and gambling addicts in a game that never ends.

I take it that this doesn't support Linux or proton?

Nfts are a form of currency, that’s it. Just like regular art. Regular art is often a way to hide and transfer money and NFTs seek to do the same for digital currency, that's all.

That is not credential databases which usually sit someplace else with salted passwords, and these days even usernames aren’t usually stored with any PII they are tied together with an ever changing ID. They would need to have actual access to the DB physically to get your password information. There aren’t usually way

I think you need to have a re-look at what conservatism is in the US currently. To correct you, 50% of Americans call themselves Republicans, but aren’t conservative.

I don't know about advocating for them rushing GTA:6 on the heels of having uproar about working conditions. This is exactly the kind of media attention that makes publishers want to turn around and crack the whip on developers and software that isn't ready yet.

Except you know when your opinion is proven wrong over and over again by science, social workers, doctors, and general statistics.

I may very well be in the wrong here, I’ll admit, but are there any actual game devs willing to put in their two cents?

You’re clearly not aware how risk averse the board is. It’s going take time and lawyers to review contracts and how to exit them...

Usually the wait is a month or two out. At least it was before the pandemic hit. My wife and I went when we lived in Kugayama nearby.

Even then the springs and materials will wear over time making it looser and drift. There is no analog stick that can exist that won't eventually run into an issue whether purely through wear or through some sensor problem. It's a shame really, this is partly why recalibration exists.

Not really people say horrible stuff about the US all the time, no one is banning them for it. China is way worse on political discourse that the US in every imaginable way to the point that China tries to Racialize politics so they can treat political opponents like cattle.

Taiwan and the “nationalists” or the KMT was a little more complicated than that. I mean after Japan had their way with Nanking and the KMT there, then the communists had their turn pillaging and killing KMT folks while, blaming the war on capitalism and anything resembling democracy, which was popular at the time.