
Sean Hannity makes millions of dollars per year. Cohen is the guy you hire when you don’t need a criminal attorney, but a criminal attorney.

Getting conservatives/myopic fucks/racists to cast themselves out of our social groups/gatherings. It’s all going according to plan.

The first response is the best yet. Fact based takedowns are the best takedowns.

Years of conditioning by the far-right propaganda machines (Fox News, Drudge Report, NRA, Breitbart, 4Chan, et al.) by posting stories of home invasions, and implying they are prevalent and mostly committed by people of color, have conditioned white people to think anyone (especially people of color) knocking on your

Every goddamn time at Wawa.

These women are nothing but opportunists. They understand there is money to be made from angry, ignorant white people. They are trotted out as tokens on NRATV, Fox News, Trump’ campaign, etc. to reassure Trump’s white base that his policies are not solely favored by white people (they are). They are just slightly

The people responding to the protestors have a lot in common. I can’t white put my finger on it.

“Trump’s trying to play ‘Grand Theft America’ on a brain that is running WordPerfect on a Windows 95 floppy disk.”

Beautiful artwork. Only thing I would change is by placing the letter HU in front of man. Something doesn’t feel right looking at “I Am Man” outside of a Church. I know it’s a petty gripe, but Christianity has a long history of disenfranchising women.

Why the fuck does she need $25,000? She need a few months of vacation before she goes looking for another fucking job?

Not sure if this is peak white privilege inasmuch as it’s her supporters circling the wagons in support of this woman’s racist comment. And feeling sorry for her that she got fired for giving an opinion.

Oh fuck off. You could have came to the conclusion that the kid did it without the use of a lame epitaph. Too afraid to type the word?

“But if no one at the school is responsible, as Parker claims, then it’s still unclear how T.J.’s hair was cut in the manner it was.”

Working in retail when I was in high school, I was told by resource officers that they could not touch, grab, stop etc. a shoplifter. Obviously this policy was for liability purposes. Also, it’s fucking cheap merchandise. In the grand scheme of things it won’t affect the store’s bottom line. Lastly, it’s also bad

I had a sardonic asshole tell me over the weekend that Clark will provide more for his family financially dead than he would have if he continued living. The rest of us sitting at the table started to denounce his claim, but he was adamant he was right on a dollar/cents argument. It’s gotten to the point where these

This is the correct take on his interview. It angers me when dipshits like Tucker Carlson, Marco Rubio and their ilk conflate the demand for regulations to limit to help limit mass shootings with the “govment (sic) gon’ take all our guns.”

Elie Mystal is great. I used to read a lot of his articles on when I was still in school. I have forgotten him until reading this article and the fact that he was on Chris Hayes’ show earlier this week discussing the Stormy Daniels saga. Very smart/funny guy.

Mathematically speaking, this statement cannot be factually correct: “Here we should point out that Hispanic immigrants have not pushed out Hazelton’s white population. There are just as many, or more, white people in Hazelton as there have always been.” (emphasis added)

Anyone know why he was hopping fences? I am sure this info was probably relayed to the officers on the ground, hence, why they were able to locate him at his grandmother’s house (i.e. aerial surveillance). The author is dead on in her points. I would just disagree with one of them. At the 41 second mark, the victim is

I watched the video in a BBC article. I was mad when I first heard the story. Now I’ve seen him running through backyards in a police helicopter video. I’ve seen The body cam video. It was dark. The only illumination was the flashlights police had. What side of the phone was showing? The white side? The black side?