During the trial, Ferro’s wife, who is African-American, testified that she had never heard her husband make racially-motivated comments.
During the trial, Ferro’s wife, who is African-American, testified that she had never heard her husband make racially-motivated comments.
You honestly saying that you can tell the difference between Jessica Chastain and that other one? Because that’s impressive, friend.
So you’re good with people lying.
“I feel so naive for saying it”
When you’re POTUS, and your best comeback is an incoherent tweet, you aren’t punching back 10x harder, you’re doing this:
Has everyone been paying attention to the Trump/Russia investigation?
REALLY a white artist claimed to be part of [insert minority here] in order to pass off his ripoff art as part of their art? I’m shocked, shocked I say!
Self defense is much less useful for black people.
White Juries are very unlikely to believe that a black person felt threatened by a white person.
At what point, as a society, do we take a step back and a deep breath, look at what we are doing and ask what the flurk were we on?
Damn. This officer is pulling out all of the stops. So they’re guilty of hanging out in a big scary gang, getting into a fight, assaulting a white kid, possessing a hat and a realistic-looking BB gun, and trespassing on this guy’s property... but the only thing he actually accuses Brunson of on video is the last one?…