Hashbrown no filter

His excuse sounds right out of a bad movie... that she would be coached to tell a story like this at 7 years old. Because her mom wanted revenge... Seriously are we supposed to buy that?

This website looks like one of those blogs where you can find out how to pay off your mortgage with one simple trick that has something to do with rotting bananas.

I don’t get why this is so hard for some people to understand.

I’m ready to be a cyborg, so whatever silicon valley wants to do to get us there, I’ll back it.

(music notes) “Oh the weather outside is.. weather...”

Agree. For good measure, here is my cat, named Salem after this exact awesome animal character.

If there is no witty sarcastic animated cat, I’m out.

Literally WHAT is even the benefit of repealing this?? Who was hurting? What is this fixing? Seriously WHY. Is she trying to be more evil, or...

Goddammit. I’m a Becca. I knew it was true when my mind went “but no i’m not a becky waaahhhh!” Shut up, subconscious. You know its true when it hits a nerve. If you’re a white woman and get upset at this post, it probably rings true about you too.

He’s being paid by George Soros!!!!!!1!

Omigosh your personal experiences must equate with total reality!!!!1!

The worst emotionally unstable, neurotic coworker I ever had was a 50 year old white guy. He threw fits like a two year old when you asked him to follow a simple process to make his project succeed better and faster. His responses were extremely disrespectful, even when I asked with all the nice-ness I could muster.

Oh cool, what a Hot New Take™ on how women are inferior to men when given systematic messages from society that they are not wanted somewhere. So weird.

I think somebody got a little too excited from watching Sunday’s Game of Thrones ep.

The only Sundays I don’t have the Sunday Blues are when there are new Game of Thrones episodes. HBO I love you...

Same. I try to set aside the last part of Sunday for some self-care to at least treat myself in some way. It’s real enough that I avoid making plans Sunday night because I need to “prepare myself.”

For me, its mostly kittens, my dog, and ice cream. Also that the alternative is an unknown void of nothingness with none of those things.

Oh Lana, you are shameless and I love you for it.