
That wouldn’t have worked, because the idiots who think BLM is a hate group would just ask why it’s not “Stop Killing Cops” or trot out the same tired black-on-black crime statistics.

Oh daaaamn.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

“My crowd was bigger than Obama’s in ‘09 if you take out the people who were at his inauguration illegally.” - Donald Trump

First man that grabs my pussy will hAve to seek medical attention in order to retrieve his balls from his throat, which is where their final resting place will be from me kicking them so hard.

Maybe she didn’t have a birth certificate or social security number? You can get through school without those things, but when you’re 18 and getting ready for college or a job it’d start being a real problem, and it’s hard for a kidnapper to explain away. That’s what made Carlina White suspicious.

While Rep. Lewis was literally putting his body on the line for Civil Rights, this man-child was busy dodging the draft any way he could.

We are going to dig as far as it takes for that coal especially into Mother Russia! America’s gonna have the most luxurious mine this side of the Western Hemisphere.

And the coal miners will have jobs! Just repeal the environmental regulations, and everything will be fine

Trump is going to SAVE healthcare. Didn’t you hear? He’s going to take Obamacare and call it Trumpcare, and everyone in Pensatucky is going to be so healthy. Healthiest coal miners you’ll ever see!

None of them. It’ll be a YUGE star, like Scott Baio or maybe even (fingers crossed!) Kirk Cameron!

Actually, in a hilarious turn of events, I think you are thinking of Kevin Costner.

I give a pass for keaton he was in the movie hidden figures after all. And in general I’m glad they are apologizing and being made aware of it.

This has become my most favourite thing about Christian Slater ever.

He’s a spiritual, moral and existent threat to the best founding ideas of this nation

I think the key here is the adjective “vilified”, not “discriminated against”. She seems fairly aware of her privilege and mentioned that several times.

I do want it said and again and again how this has nothing to do with conventional politics. Trump isn’t just wrong or bad (or even primarily wrong or bad) because he’s a Republican. He’s bad because he’s just a shitty human being who just so happens to have hijacked politics.

Waiting for the Republican outrage about how entitled and out of touch Hollywood stars are alienating half of America. Even though we will have a President who is an out of touch, former Hollywood star who alienates half of America.

She looks terrible. What is she even doing there?