I can't believe I haven't heard of this show before. Do you know of any good places to find it online? Looks like it's only on DirectTV in the US?
They did the same to mine. It's been a little over a year and I'm still numb in some places.
Thank you for adding this, I was going to ask if no one mentioned it. I'm not pregnant but getting married in a few months and am curious to know others' experiences; I had a reduction early last year. Were your nipples resized for your surgery?
I wouldn't lump chiropractors in with "ologists," though, as derms, urologists etc. have actual medical degrees and chiropractors most certainly do NOT.
Haha, both my parents LOVED the fade button, and for some reason they felt the need to announce its use. "And now we're going to faaaaade out...."
Not to mention that if they're coming in for help there's probably some sort of problem
A few days! That's a really long time. Ours is drop off in the morning, pick up after work.
How does one get tickets for this kind of big and in demand show? I know that Ticketmaster is basically impossible.
Me three! I'm sold, I'll get it too!
That sounds so gorgeous! Can you share a pic? I love this stuff, my engagement ring is vintage as well (Edwardian) and I'm considering a rose gold wedding band.
I don't know, I went out, partied and drank and I was on the high honor roll for most of high school. My high school friends are also still my closest friends 10 years later. I don't think it's an either/or situation, even though that's the way it worked out for you and your sister.
This guy's one of my favorite Viners. Check out his whole feed, he's hilarious. Especially the Mark Wahlberg impressions.
I hate that I know this about her because it's all I think about when she's onscreen. who? ;)
Wow, I am so old that I didn't even get that. I was like, what, do the Youngs not even use phone numbers anymore?
That is really interesting. Sometimes I've just used salted for, say, pound cake. Now I know why I should just stick to unsalted, which is what it calls for. Thank you, seriously!
The absolute only reason for unsalted butter's existence is for recipes that call for it due to some sort of food chemistry I don't understand. It makes me extremely sad when I only need one stick for a recipe but the grocery store only carries packs of four. Because what could I possibly do with it.
Thank you for this! I just read it out loud to my fiancé whom I love dearly and who does the exact same thing. It just happened yesterday. I think he finally gets it!