
I guess some breeds are really prone to this...I have three shih tzu mixes of various flavors and they all do this on occasion but one does it all LOT. When other people see it they get very concerned that the poor little guy is choking...then I have to explain what a reverse sneeze is and confuse them thoroughly.

One of our dogs sneezes so hard he hits the floor with nose. Every time I hear his nose thud I simultaneously giggle and feel check to see if he's okay.

When a cat gets this pissed of, it's a screaming, yeowling, rocket with flashing claws of death and it is very clear that it has only one thing in mind; to f-you up as much as possible. And it doesn't stop. You don't really think, you just react and, especially if you are a kid, it is terrifying.

Whirring claws of death. Unholy screaming yowels. And the realization that the animal coming at you light a bullet has only one thing on its mind: to f*^k you up as much as earthly possible. It is terrifying, especially if you are a kid.

This happened to me and I had to crawl out of a window. It took me 15 years to be okay with cats.

I watched the show with my boyfriend and kinda felt like I was cheating on him in plain sight.

Call me crazy, but my absolute first thought was not about comfort, or price, it was "Oh my god! The typography! It's HIDEOUS!" *shutter*

Who now plays Theon Grayjoy on Game of Thrones.

Benedict Cumberbatch? Joseph Gordon-Levitt? Michael B. Jordan? Ewan McGregor? Ummmm...I don't think I should watch the Oscars with my boyfriend—it's going to make him very insecure.

I think there is an aspect of embarrassment because they might be perceived as vain (although the assignment was to work with our own image) but I think it is also because there is a degree of "otherness" in them. If it is because they show things I am not comfortable with, it is hard for the casual observer to

Hah! No. I teach Graphic Design. The project was for a class exploring image in design. The students only see it when I flip through the documentation of that class to show them how I'd like them to document their own work in my courses. I teach students how to use photoshop but it's only a tiny part of my classes and

I use Photoshop quite a bit in my job as a designer and professor. Not to manipulate images of women, men, or otherwise but to create illustrations. That said, several years ago I Photoshopped myself for a graduate school project, fixing everything that I felt was "wrong" with me. I "fixed" my hairline and

Welp, if I had legs like that at 46 and got to sit on Idris Elba's lap, I'd sure as heck jump at the chance...unless Annie just mashed it all together in Photoshop, then I would be very disappointed it hadn't actually happened...

Oh my god, Julia Roberts is actually aging! Not that she doesn't look gorgeous, its just so weird not to see her Photoshopped into her mid-30's.

I live about 20 miles from Mayville. There really isn't much to do there (other than, apparently, smoke pot and make babies).

After 9/11 a Sikh temple was burned not so far from where I lived. I don't know what pissed me off more; the act itself or the fact that the racist d#*ks were so ignorant they couldn't even bother to get the religion of the people they were targeting right.

Ahh, it will go so well with Doha's other new questionable display of wealth...

1) If it's a consolation, they are "reproductions" and they haven't found any evidence that they were ever actually made. They are only found in spell books.

PEOPLE ACTUALLY DO SH*T LIKE THIS AND THINK ITS ACCEPTABLE, NAY, NORMAL?!?! Suddenly the effusive thanks and good-will I have received from the property owners I have rented from doesn't seem so overboard...