
but any rational person knows that some people lie to get ahead

The names that need to step up are Clooney and Damon. You want credit for being woke and progressive? Say something, motherfuckers.

I’m sorry, what the fuck?

Much like acquaintance rape, we’ve moved from a world where it’s effectively impossible for women who are sexually harassed at work to see any kind of justice to one in which it’s simply extraordinarily difficult and uncommon. And also like acquaintance rape, this had lead to panic and fury among men, who feel that

Then why did the fucking scumbag owner of a POPULAR Chicago bar, who I sued for extensive sexual harassment including assault, in 1992 not only WIN the case brought against him by me (and 3 other women—though he had actually done it to EVERY WOMAN who worked for him), but suffered ZERO loss of business or respect? The

Yup. Or live in a red state where feminism is the dirty f-word.’re just making hypothetical lying bitches up and running with it? Ok.

My boss was so physically in our paralegal’s space all the time that she started having anxiety attacks at work. One day, she went outside to “make a phone call” and boss walked from his office all the way in the back to stare at her outside the big windows in the front. Just literally lurking in the plate glass

Serious question, so we can come to an understanding: did this happen directly to you, what did she say you did, and what did you believe you actually did?

“HR will most likely go with the accuser, out of fear of a lawsuit”

Then get labeled a bad feminist for putting up with it, because you should risk your livelihood for these principles.

Bull shit. You are talking out of your ass. The last man who harassed me, the only one I went to HR about, is still employed and only got a talking-to. And unless you live under a rock and have for the past few decades, you’ve heard story after story about women enduring years of sexual harassment and discrimination

I had a boss who skated out of a sexual harassment charge. You know the kind of shit he used to do?

It’s very simple: Don’t make SEXIST (not “sexist,” as sexism is a real thing) jokes. Don’t comment on a woman’s looks, body, or imagined sex life. Don’t stare at her tits. Don’t touch her. Speak to her in a professional, polite, friendly manner JUST LIKE YOU’RE ABLE TO PULL OFF WHEN SPEAKING TO MEN.

No, we aren’t in those positions; our positions are infinitesimally worse. So no, we frankly aren’t going to to bother “looking at it from this perspective”, because we don’t feel sorry for you.

I think men who make a big deal about this are those who would have acted inappropriately towards women anyway and are sulking because they can’t get away with it anymore. They out themselves by asking stupid questions that start with, “but what if...” or “how do I know if...”and conclude by saying they’re just not

Is her name “Mother” Pence?

Damn, are they incapable of not making everything about them? Jesus. The solution is not to stop interacting with your female colleagues, the solution is simply to KEEP IT PROFESSIONAL. DON’T HARASS, DON’T ASSAULT. Why is that so fucking hard to understand? AAAAARRRGH, I’m having a rage stroke.

My gut feeling is that many of these men are guilty of harassment themselves and are now panicking at the idea that they’re about to get busted.

Damned trog on Twitter wrote that these women coming forward now are lying and disgusting because they didn’t come forward earlier. Cannot even see the irony in his comment.