
Good point! Of course, many of the workers left there may have been undocumented, which could have provided them a disincentive to call 911. Yet another reason to have rational and compassionate immigration policy in this country.

It was his secretary, Rosemary Woods, who took the blame. And it wasn’t deleting, it was erasing. Back in the day, tapes could be erased, but audio on an erased tape (erased by taping over) could still be restored by experts. The experts testified at the time that they had to be erased using a powerful magnet or other


Never, ever forget this: if you aren’t signing their paychecks, they do not work for you.

For those who want the deets:

Republicans don’t believe in government; so they spend all of their energy getting elected or appointed to government and then breaking it into pieces so that they can say “see, I told you government doesn’t work!”

This makes me so infuriated! I was listening to a Republican candidate explaining , “ well, no. It wouldn’t take aware healthcare, it would just move the power to decide in the hands of individual states....and don’t they know best about their constituents’ need? Look at how well the states manage public safety and

His hatred of poor people trumps his medical training apparently.

AND it completely eliminates ALL FEDERAL SUBSIDIES in 2027. ALL SUBSIDIES. Meaning that it phases out even a semblance of universal health care and resorts to a dystopian nightmare.

As a lawyer, who knows many other lawyers, spot-fucking-on. The only complicating factor as relates to my profession is that as a side effect of what we do, we are undeniably fantastic at sounding like we know all the other things.

That Oprah 60 minutes thing last night had a guy who, when pressed to why he thinks Trump is doing a good job, said something along the lines of, “We elected someone to flip tables, and he’s flipping tables.” These people want nothing more than political chaos, and they don’t care what it does to others, because

“If you want a hearing, you better shut up.”

“It’ll be just like that Game of Thrones show you all love!” - Republicans

I think there are twin problems.

Hey, in fairness to my esteemed governor, he did tell everyone that if they didn’t get out they were on their own.

Reminds me of the old joke, “what do you call the person at the bottom of their class in med school?” “Doctor.”

How much more evidence does one need in order to come to the realization that the Republicans have become the party of havoc, and no longer have any desire or, more importantly, ability to actually govern the country?


Now playing

This is still my favorite Gov. Rick Scott moment.

I mean, it’s not like I’m required to retain every bit of communication that I receive or send from my place of business for record keeping purposes. OH WAIT, yes I am.