
I have the same problem with pronouncing words I've only read. Especially loan words from other languages (schadenfreude!) Though I have noticed that spell check here in the states is less permissive of complicated prefixes and suffixes than it is at home. Or perhaps at home I'm used to adding appropriate spelling to

Before the cut I was willing to give the "trail/trial" student the benefit of the doubt and consider it was a nasty spell check or auto-correct issue they didn't catch. (One of my poli sci profs gave us that lecture on double checking the spell check after he came across a paper apparently on "pubic policy") But the

I see plenty of people advising you on stranger rape so let me give you a few pointers on recognizing predatory behaviour that's coming out of Lisak's studies on undetected rapists. They will attempt to a) push your boundaries. Someone who's boundaries can be pushed through nagging or coercion is a safer target for

Amazing how much bull can be put into pretty language. "Furthermore, I was concerned with the constitutionality of a provision of S. 47 that granted tribal governments' unprecedented civil and criminal jurisdiction over non-Indian offenders on tribal lands. " What does that mean? "I don't care that native women are

Thank goodness for pelvic floor rehabilitation physiotherapists. There are so many things that can have you in their office, and not all from childbirth either. For me it was a bloody rollerblading accident that set off the damage that led finally to them.

Sure it's on the agenda. A couple years back a cabinet minister got reamed when he said that Japan needed more "baby-making machines" referring to the 18-35 female demographic. However this conflicts with a couple of key points: women are expected to retire when they marry to focus on raising kids. Generally only part

We know that about 2/3 of men who rape are repeat rapists averaging about 6 rapes each. (Lisak & Miller 2002) We also know what sort of behaviours that are red flags - if you want to stop them then you have to pay attention and intervene. 1) Alcohol/intoxicants used as a weapon. 2) testing a target by pushing their

The Bloc has been the official opposition before though so it's not quite as simple as a two party state. However, the first past the post does tend to weed out parties so your point is taken.

Beyond the creepiness of normalising one type of labia over all the normal variations thereof, we're talking about non-medically nessesary sugury on a complex organ (?) here. I've had medically nessesary gynecological surgury before and it was no walk in the park.

While I agree with you and think proportional representation is a far superior system, it's not entirely accurate to say it's impossible to have more than two parties in the first past the post system. Canada has first past the post and five major federal political parties.

It's harder to win discrimination suits when so much of the work is contract based. A 10-4 (10 days working on site for 10-12 hour days, 4 days off) is a fairly common schedule in these fields and your contract might not be renewed after your first 10-4.

I think that may be true. :) Also, from my anecdotal experience as a local humane society volunteer, we're also a net importer of unwanted pets, since we're always getting animals in from the south, or disaster affected areas (like Sandy.)

I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't just trolling... I'm from Alberta where there is even more of this industry and I did wok in the industry for three years.

To save for grad school I took an admin job with an oil and gas service company in Calgary. While it was never written anywhere, it was well known that they'd only hire women for my position because part of the job involved calling the engineers at each of the rigs for the rental days for each well and/or month. Since

*raises hand* though I've got the bronze/copper colour somewhere between stawberry blonde and auburn, rather than my brother's vibrant orange-red. On my mom's side it skipped three generations entirely, though my Dad's has some in every one. both of them are bunet/te

I have a pdf of the study for my thesis research. I can't attach it apparently, so message me if you'd like me to email it. It was a within subjects design: it wasn't comparing women who study abroad with women who didn't. It compares subjects risk of non-consensual encounters (per semester) from their time on campus

It was a within subjects design - all the participants had studied abroad and the design compared the subjects against themselves based on their campus risk and abroad risk per semester.

Maybe this plays into the Canadians are SO polite stereotype, but I was raised to be polite and hold doors for the people around me regardless of age or sex. It's very normal where I'm from. For the last year I've been in the states for grad school, and whoo boy is there ever culture shock around women holding doors

Don't feel bad. I've embraced the disaster zone house. As long as I'm clean, who cares about the house? My Mom came to visit for Canadian Thanksgiving (2nd week of October) and I still haven't remade the futon into a couch, but I've been piling stuff on it instead. I generally have enough clothes to go 4-5 weeks

I volunteer for my local humane society shelter and thought I'd share some of the happy endings for animals we rescue. Yesterday during my shift three cats and a dog went home to their forever families. One of the cats that was adopted came to the shelter with a nasty eye infection and the vet couldn't save it. That