
Oooh, some people at the DNC said they didn’t like Bernie, in May 2016 after the primaries were essentially over. Some crime. Assange is a fucking hypocrite doing Putin’s bidding. When Wikileaks started, he said he planned to expose the Russian government too. Crickets.

Nothing, but I certainly have something against dudes that say shit like this: “”Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism.” and “I fell into a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism.”

I am adding “stamina” to the list of words that make me cringe. It is like she went down a list of what to say about a man to boost his confidence and make him like you.

I don’t think it would ever occur to me to mention anyone’s “stamina”. Maybe that’s just me.

The “Complicit” sketch killed me. Time of death: “Sorry girl, you’re Billy Zane.” Also I choose to believe they picked the music specifically because it sounds eerily similar to that of the United safety video.

I did detect an anarchist sensibility among Trump supporters during the election, so that makes sense. The attitude seems to be, “things aren’t perfect, so let’s blow it all the fuck up and rebuild from scratch. Or better yet, not rebuild.”

Bannon clearly wants to bring the government down, civil servant by civil servant if necessary. So now they’re hollowing out the Justice Dept. There’s already little left of the State Dept (we have no confirmed Ambassadors, all the incumbents were fired, and only a half dozen replacements have even been named).

it pink

Everyone’s hands are exaggerated in this clip/photo: Keith Urban’s hands look like the Hamburger Helper mascot.

I realise I am impure in my designs atm because I have a recalcitrant ex tryna fuck me over shared assets, but as Aimee has pointed out, it all starts off amicable but then suddenly it’s not amicable because they are being fucking assholes so you go nuclear.

Also, that’s not how divorce works. Yes, they could pound out an agreement and push through the papers quickly and quietly, but filing initial pleadings isn’t a hostile act, its more like just a reference point. Idk.

The Jacobin left is already getting ready to shit all over Elizabeth Warren. Get ready.

We have the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which is intended to protect disabled people from discrimination. Unfortunately, it is frustratingly difficult to prove that any sort of feedback or result is the result of discrimination.

A-fucking-men. I’m also sick of how everybody ignores the impact of 8 years of gerrymandering and dog whistling.

Exactly! It’s a bullshit experiment that, as another commentator pointed out, does not bear out on the fact that Hillary’s debates only raised her points and the fact that she won the fucking popular vote.

I had a similar experience. In a previous job, I was covering my own job, my boss’ job (since he was a complete tool) and one of my coordinator’s jobs which took forever to refill. I was constantly stressed out doing three jobs and perpetually in a bad mood, but I got stuff done. And my staff really liked me alot (I

It’s important to remember what “likability” really means. Like you said, it’s an immeasurable quality which makes it a great code word that could stand for a range of things from abstract sexism (I’ve got nothing against women, there’s just something about her.) to more concrete objectification (She wouldn’t flirt

Any kind of disability definitely makes it harder. Honestly, though, likability is the kind of subjective bullshit used to measure this kind of thing.

Oh TOTALLY. I just quit my job cuz they expected me to do all the emotional work, never get angry, and were planning to call me in to shame me for violating this apparently set-in-stone rule. meanwhile I work harder than just about anyone else, and all the other women either tuned out emotionally or just played the

There are so many variables that this stupid worthless “report” does not take into consideration. The skill of the actors, their ages, their level of attractiveness, their background, level of experience, public opinion, education level, etc., etc., etc. In addition, the test audience is hardly representative of the