
I have absolutely no perspective because I am a douchey phone user too but when I was in a mall once, texting on my phone going with traffic and a crew of out-of-towners were walking three abreast on the “wrong” side come toward me. Much as I am texting, I am maintaining spacial awareness so I step to the

“‘That isn’t a game, it is yoga and it’s not for girls. It’s not ladylike.’ So I started doing it.”

It just goes to show how emotionally fragile he is. The FACT that he will lose the popular vote by more than 2 million votes really gets beneath his skin, because he wants to pretend that the entire country adores him. All he is doing is telegraphing his weakness. I think we should all take every opportunity to

HOW does he think there is any way he won the popular vote? He is somehow claiming that he totally legitimately won, but also that it was rigged.

I think you mean a bit over 27K- if you are referring to Wisconsin. The difference between Trump and Clinton’s votes in all 3 states- Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan- is just about 112K.

So you’re just trying to troll people?

No you’re not. Don’t try to cover up your grade school math level fuck up.

Beat me to it, haha. I bet they felt so clever and proud of themselves for pointing out how dumb all of us here should feel if we have any hope of any kind regarding a recount.... Really makes me wonder who they voted for... Hmmmmm 🤔

What? The difference is about 25000 votes.

Is anyone here still hoping for the results to be overturned?

So you’re just trying to troll people?

This is a weird comment. Mind you, I think it’s extremely implausible that a recount will register a 20,000 to 30,000 vote discrepancy, but how are you working with 1.3 million required miscounts? Are we pretending that Jill Stein is trying to win the state? The only state that could even plausibly be overturned due

....says the guy who just confused 1.3 million for 30 000.

1.3 million =/= 22k or 27k

22,272 (which has now shrunk by 18% due to some... strange vote padding in several precincts)

I know it is an extreme longshot, but i can’t help but think if these audits/recounts overturn a state or expose further external interference from a foreign source; that perhaps maybe, just maybe the electoral college will have to take into account all factors and vote for Hillary instead of Trump.

Is anyone here still hoping for the results to be overturned? I feel like it’s foolish after all that’s happened, but there’s a little seed in me that whispers “maybe”, and I don’t quite know what to do with it.

“Was it Wisconsin that had several precincts that registered more votes for Trump than the total number of votes actually cast in the precinct?”

There’s no way Hillary rolled up a three million plus margin in the popular vote, which is where this is heading, and lost PA, WI & MI. Every other time someone won the electoral college but lost the popular vote, it was by a squeaker, by a few hundred thousand votes, but Hillary might have won the popular vote by

I mean she literally has nothing left to lose while the country is standing to lose everything.