
Or even that she’s pleading for her husband not to get shot, while simultaneously pulling out her phone and filming it because it’s the only way she’d be able to prove what happened

Where “spirit” is “carefully release / manipulate select evidence that bolsters the shit we quickly made up and then cast aspersions on any and all other proof that contradicts us.”

Which does not appear in the wife’s video, but mysteriously appears on the ground at the victim’s feet later on.

At this point they’re fucked. Where the lie started and who started it, we will probably never know, but basically they know they’re caught and have to figure out what to do.

Carefully-worded “possession of a handgun” more or less confirms what everyone thought. He had a (probably legal) handgun in the car or on his person, but not in his hands.

I think once she got her footage out there and they see how long this confrontation went on, and now with the inconsistencies between what was claimed to be a gun recovered at the scene and the fact you can’t see a gun in their footage, they knew they were up shit creek.

“We found out later he had a handgun in the glove compartment”

“Spirit of transparency” ≠ “transparency” in policespeak.

You’d think the NRA and all the 2nd amendment cumwads would be all over this supporting his right to carry in an open carry state. Oh right, black guy. The 2nd amendment doesn’t apply to him!

Dude looks … beleaguered.

The cell phone video was harrowing.

“In possession of a handgun” is by no means the same as “threatening police with a handgun.” So if he was merely in possession of it, then I guess we will truly find out if the second amendment applies to everyone or just white people.

I do rub and no I don’t!

Yes. How “strange” that a black man, when confronted by a cop, would put his hands in the air. It couldn’t possibly be that he wanted to preemptively signal that he was unarmed, given that so many other black person-cop interactions turn deadly without provocation.

Deep in the bowels of Wiki-Laboratories experiments expose new discoveries daily.

My eyebrow is still twitching. What the hell does that even mean?

Yeah, it completely lost me at that title card. What is this, freshman year at film school?

That’s exactly how Wikipedia works. For example, I just updated the article on “Birthday” to prove that “Humans who share the same birthday share a powerful bond. If two people with the same birthday bump fists at noon during the equinox, they can summon a mighty dragon which can grant any wish. 24 hours later the

Seriously. I didn't watch this show, but if I had, that would have been an automatic deal breaker before an actor even crossed the screen.

Wikepedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet? Wikepedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet?!? Wikipedia hasn’t discovered it for us yet. The people behind this show, do they know what Wikipedia is? I would have changed the channel the moment after reading that.