They’re from Oakwood, which is a very rich community. I always hated one of the Rasmussen sisters, not surprised this one is a garbage bag too.
They’re from Oakwood, which is a very rich community. I always hated one of the Rasmussen sisters, not surprised this one is a garbage bag too.
Wow. Way to bring the passive-aggressive condescension with that comment about how much I “clearly” do or don’t care for my sister.
Would we expect our parents and friends to not support us at all costs?
I think that’s half of it. The other half is that until relatively recently, society — and the justice system — didn’t consider acquaintance rape to be “rape rape.”
Round them up, put them in a rocket and aim for the sun
The little fact that got me was that one of the guys who found her couldn’t give his statement when the police arrived because he was crying so hard. There is a man who was assaulting an unconscious woman and his family and friends keep telling us how good a guy he was and then there is a man who chased him down and…
Can we just have a moment to thank the universe for THOSE two men. Those two who could have just kept walking. Could have just let him go. Can we have more of those men?
And I hate this very calculated language that implicitly excuses him - he was involved in it, people are putting him in a certain light... No, he raped a person, he chose to do it, he actively went and did it, it was his doing, he elected to rape an unconscious person, he could have not done it but he did it. That’s…
Well this is rape culture. When everyone rallies behind the rapist because they don’t get what’s so bad about a little rape.
I wonder how many of their former classmates have read this and thought WTF? I’m expecting a rebuttal from one of them any day now. Something along the lines of ‘Brock Turner has always been an entitled dickwad surrounded by sycophantic friends’
It’s really fucking awful that as a society we have reached a point where you can catch someone being raped and still manage to downplay it.
One of the guys who helped her was found sobbing when the police got there because he was so upset about what he saw. Let’s dwell on that for a second. Mr. Rapist Brock Tuner tried to claim it was consensual but when two guys found them, Convicted Rapist Brock Turner started to RUN and one of the guys who found them…
Not only that, but one of them was apparently appalled enough by what they saw to be sobbing when they gave their statements. Totally sounds like a misunderstanding, right? Political correctness run amok?
Oh, his family was respectable? Oh, you can think of five better contenders for Most Likely to Rape in your class yearbook? I just... Do you hear yourself?
“[...] rape on campus isn’t always because people are rapists.”
Admittedly it’s pretty difficult, sometimes you just trip and fall into a vagina. It’s a pretty serious issue considering how many upstanding individuals have been subject to the trip-to-penetrate error. Personally, I blame women and floors for encouraging such behavior.
Well, they're Swedish. They're probably less manly or something.
I think his “childhood friend” has maybe had the hots for him forever and he totally ignored her. So her letter is a.) her getting out her anger that another girl—an UNCONSCIOUS girl—managed to get what she herself had always wanted, so of COURSE it’s that girl’s fault; and b.) I think she’s hoping he’ll see her as…
Since she was so drunk and passed out, it must have been SO hard for them to not rape her. How did they manage to avoid that?
I believe the arrest and conviction was based on the testimony of the woman who was raped and the 2 men who caught him in the act. Just that.