
Or about sex education and contraception, which can help prevent the abortions that they hate so much.

Or the myriad other things that also affect the lives of babies and children they claim to care so much about, like parental leave, subsidized childcare, high-quality pre-K, and equitable access to a good education. I could go on forever.

Or about care for babies after they leave the womb and are in the real world with parents that cant afford food, housing ect.

Imagine if they got this passionate about the environment

Good women’s soccer is more entertaining than good men’s soccer.

Because my already abusive mother struggling to pay bills would have suddenly developed an intense compassion she previously lacked and make sure everything was alright!

If Savannah sincerely wanted a balanced interview, she should have questioned this kid the same way women and girls have been questioned for their choices, especially by the Catholic Church!

Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest

Why does a shitty first point invalidate the others?

The kids asked their teachers to do school spirit chants/songs to counter the slurs.  Why the hell didn’t the adults say “no, walk away.”  There were chaperones there that sure as hell should have known better.  Your course of action is always the right one, but a group of adults coulnd’t come up with it.

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

A group of entitled teens goes on a mission to spread their gospel of hate. I really need to know whether they were harassed by someone before spewing hate, or they were rudely interrupted in their attempt to spew hate by a band of people singing and playing drums before I can pass judgment. 

Right? Remember when we went on field trips and offsite functions as students and we always received the speech about “when you’re traveling here and attending this event, you’re representing the school, so always be on your best behaviour”? That’s either missing, or the school and chaperones are accurately

I’m sorry but doxxing just invites heavy handed responses directly.

I’m sorry but doxxing just invites heavy handed responses directly. I don’t condone what the little jerk did but don’t be that person.

No. Just the standard asshat being egged on by the crowd. 

As a fatty returning to the gym, I’ve found that if I just have Missy Elliott on loud enough in my headphones I am not anxious about shit.

I have considered starting a side business though where you pay me to work out at the same time you do so you will always have someone in worse shape at the gym.

How to get sober in three easy steps:

Brett Kavanaugh and America’s Insistence on White Male Virtue