did you see who we made president or
Oh I see. You think you’re the arbiter of who is “real car people”.
I just don’t get the mental gymnastics skill that it takes for a brown person to somehow believe that they are safe in this country because they voted for 45. As if there’s some sort of halo effect that comes with the ballot receipt.
Gunga Din
In the Indians on TV episode of Master of None they used Uncle Taj.
Clearly the issue wasn’t that he was demonizing all of those who didn’t worship at his feet. It was that he didn’t look presidential enough doing it.
Well said. Pretty sad to see Van Jones do a complete 180 over one speech. So disappointed in all of them. Trump has still done some pretty shitty things over the last few weeks and still is a narcissistic monster. One speech doesn’t change any of that.
I refused to watch the speech, because obviously, but when I saw the headlines on NY1 this morning with the “press” pivoting to say he was “Presidential” and didn’t pee on any of the carpets, my reaction was, ‘here we go...’
I mean I’m not disagreeing with you on intangibles, I’m sure TO wasn’t pleasant to have in the locker room (although I’d argue it’s been INCREDIBLY overblown by the media).
Personally, it makes me a little sad that everything still boils down to ‘Hillary vs Bernie’, as if there aren’t other people in the party, and the public at large, that are looking for something more progressive too.
Nina Turner, a Sanders surrogate, told the Post’s Dave Weigel that “the future of the Democratic Party will walk away” if Ellison loses.
How many votes did Jill Stein get again? 100 million, wasn’t it? So close! If only a few Hillary voters had just had the good sense to vote for the dumbest candidate in the election, we’d be living in Candyland!
Gotta love
spitewhite voters.
“You play a kids game for a living.”
However you didn’t mind getting a 4 year free ride at UVA, founded by a slave owner.
You could say his enthusiasm for supporting Trump has deflated.
yeah conservatives are usually pretty polite and well-behaved online. they’ve got a right to complain when others call them names.
Yeah, when they get indignant over a liberal’s condescending atheism just bring up Ayn Rand’s stance on the subject. After they recover from their seizure, then bring up her stance on abortion.